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During the time he was being held captive. Every time Izuku closes his eyes, he hears his voice.

So you've finally matured

My brother's quirk within you

To think you would also have my quirk. You are so much like him. My little brother

My dear little brother

My dear son

Izuku would shout back. Telling it to shut up. To stay out of his head. But he would only laugh. Laugh at his agony. And the pain he was feeling

He knew that voice. He knew so well it haunted his nightmares. The Voice of All For One

"Why are you in my head?" Izuku would ask

"My quirk resonates with yours boy. We are father and son. We have a deep connection with one and another"

"Stay out of my head!"

"Now why would I do that, your time has finally come. Your power is ripe for the picking. Leave the heroes and come join me. We have the power to rule" All For One tries to urge the boy

"I don't want to hear it... I will never join you!!!" Izuku shouts back

Izuku hears the man sigh...

"You are truly like him, my dear brother. Its been many years now... You could be his reincarnate if I didnt know better" All For One chuckled

Izuku gritted his teeth in his mind. But he has to calm down. He can't let his anger get the best of him

"I guess I have no choice then..." The voice suddenly disappears

And Izuku began to fall. Jolted awake by the doors moving he saw the villains and Kaminari. He knew he wouldn't do it if didnt have reason. Kaminari was his friend. He knows he has a reason.

Shigaraki had to go and say everything that All For One told him in his mind.

And now there he was. Alone. Cuffed and chained with no way to activate his quirks.

Kaminari stood in front of him. The room was dark but Midoriya could tell what the look on Kaminari's face was

"I know you had a reason" he began

Kaminari didnt say anything.

"Its not to late" Izuku says but Kaminari sighs

"Its to late for me Midoriya"


"Don't you see Midoriya! I'm a villain. I did a lot of shit that I can't forget... And worst of all look at what I've done to you!" Kaminari shouted

Izuku was battered and bruised due to what some low time villains wanted to do yo an aspiring hero. Shigaraki had let them in to do as they pleased only to feed his sadistic nature.

Kaminari couldn't. He couldn't hold it in anymore. He wanted Midoriya to be mad. Mad at him.

"Why aren't you mad! Why don't...." He couldn't find the words. His heart ached to much

"Why don't you want to kill me" he asked as he hurried his face into his hands.

Izuku stayed quiet. Kaminati dreaded what he would say.

"I am mad" Izuku finally begins.

Kaminari holds his breath.

"I'm mad, I feel betrayed, I truly want to slug you in the face right now" Izuku let's out a laugh

"But I can never hate you Kaminari. And I would never kill you" Kaminari looks up to Izuku

"Because you're my friend" The young man's words were true and sincere

He spoke undeniable truth.

He still saw him- Kaminari- as his friend after what he has done. The man dropped to his knees and sobbed

"Why!!!" He held his chest as he cried.

"Why Midoriya!? Why are you so kind!"

"I'm your friend" Izuku says giving his bright smile

How can he smile like this. In this damn hell that his stuck in. Kaminari had enough.

"I've been playing hero all this time" He says picking himself up

"Guess I'll play it one more time"

"I'm getting you out of here"

"No!" Izuku shouted and pushed him away

Kaminari fell to the floor hard

"What the hell man, I thought you wanted to get out of here!" He shouted at the other

"I can't go! All For One..." Izuku's head was in the dark but as he lifted his head to the small light leaking through, Kaminari gasped in horror as all hope he felt was drained

Midoriya's right eye was no longer that vibrant bright green. No. It was blood red. Redder than Bakugo's or even Eri's.

"Midoriya!?" Kaminari said quickly jumping to his feet.

"His taking over my mind... You have to get out while you still can. Warn the others. You have to save them... Save them from me... I don't know how long I can hold out" he told his friend as he looked down

"I can't just leave you here... please there has to be a way" Kaminari begged

"If we both go, I could end up going berserk. His digging into my head and I don't think I can stop this"

"Midoriya please there has to be another way. Please! I'm to stupid to find a way... Come on your the smart one here!!!"

Izuku huffed a dry laugh. He felt hopeless and All For One kept on digging. Pulling out all his negative emotions. All the deepest darkest thoughts he had within him. Those he trapped away.

He was holding back from lashing out at Kaminari. He could feel All for one feeding him with his own emotions. The craving to destroy.

"Come on man!!!" Kaminari cried

Izuku lashed out. It was so sudden. A sudden invisible force threw Kaminari back, slamming him against the wall. The man slid down to the floor with a thud and a grunt.

He looked up to his friend. Half of Izuku face. His right side was twisted into an animalistic grin. His one red eye glowed in the dark. But he was crying.

"You have to go, please!" Izuku begged


"GOD DAMN IT I SAID GO!!!!" Izuku shouted and thrusted against his holds. Shaking the building

"Its starting" Shigaraki says with to much glee. The smile plastered on his face was something that could scar someone. Toga was giddy along with the rest of the villains. But Dabi....

Dabi was not feeling what the others were feeling. In fact he was in line with Kaminari at the moment. He stood by the door as Midoriya shouted at Kaminari ready to help him escape

Kaminari stood up. He wiped of his tears and looked dead straight into Midoriya's eyes.

"You better not give up man, I'm going to be back with the rest and we are going to save you!"

The man ran out. Instantly stopped by Dabi. Kaminari was ready to fight.

But Dabi simply threw him a key.

"If there is ever a next time, keep your escape plan on the down low...." He says walking away

"You and him still got a chance so take it while there's hopefully enough time" and with that the man walked of.

Kaminari was stunned. But, he quickly turned on his heels and started running

But before he reached the outside he gave a silent thanks to the missing Todoroki

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