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The day of the sports festival was here. Izuku entrusted Eri's care to Uraraka, Tsu-chan and Tokoyami.

Their first stop was Hosu. They'd be gone for the whole day.

There was always are place in every city or town were no one knew about. The two villain teens walked down dark alley ways took seemingly random turns and then took a couple steps down to a back door of an unsuspecting building

Kaminari knocked on the door with a rhythmic beat.

The keeper of the door opened up the little slide to see who it was and almost dropped his eyeballs.

The faceless leader of the Drifters and Static stood behind the door. The man opened up to let the two high ranked villains in.

The building led the way to literally the underground community of villains. Or just plain criminals.

Everyone around them was either some thug, a murder, a petty thief, pick-pocketer and you can name it

They were actually heading to one of the Drifters secret bases. One had to go through the underground to get to it.

They walked for a bit and through numerous tunnels. Finally they came to a dead end. A dead end to many but not them.

The wall was a wall to many but to them since they had the drifter mark it was a warp gate.

It belonged to one of the adults in the Drifters. A extremely wealthy woman who had built her company from scrap and some  unspoken means. It was to take revenge against a certain hero in who had taken her family away from her.

The hero was no more and the woman was living her life as one of the richest villains with in the country.

Midoriya didn't know about her real name. All he called her was 'Madame Rift'. The woman had many times tried to rip of his mask.

The moment they walked through the wall they found themselves in quite a fancy building.

The next they know the drifter leader is attacked and dogpiled by many.

"Boss/ master/ squirt" many shouted

"Master?" Kaminari questions. His voice sounded like static through his mask.

"Holy cow!" The man that shouted squirt shouted when he saw Kaminari

"Static! What is he doing here" he was tall black haired and quite bulky. His lips reminded him of Satou and Kaminari could see that his skin looked scaly

"I'll defend the base with my life" the kid that shouted master said as he morphed into a white tiger and stalked Kaminari

Calm down, his a friend plus a new recruit for us.

It was Izuku who spoke but telepathically. Kaminari pulled up his sleeve to reveal the drifter mark.

"But master, he could be of spy from L.O.V " says Daiki Shiro. The boy turned back into human. His eyes was ocean blue, hair whiter than snow. His built was quite feminine.

Oh don't worry about that his no longer that.

Izuku replied

"Wait so he was a spy!?" Says the last guy. He was tall and blond. He wore large goggles and had a white lab coat.

Static is now part of the Drifters..There are actually more recruits but they won't be active anytime soon

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