Missing Him

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It's been two weeks since the incident. My smiling outside but dying inside. How to tell my friends about vampires? About myself that giving blood to vampires? About Drake.... The man I loved very much...? I'm dying each and every minute.

I miss him to death...

Fine, I don't care if I get myself go low but I want to meet him. I decided to meet Kayne and seek his help. He rejected my request on the spot

''Jacintha, I know you are depressed now but trust me. Now is not the right time. The whole vampires are in trouble because of Dashiel's shadows. While gaining his power, he revives his most powerful servant. We are being cautious every day. And now you want to act as my human feed?'', Kayne asks in disbelief.

''I know'', I said sadly. ''I'm being selfish. I know that you guys are in trouble. But...'', I grip my hands while holding my tears. ''I miss him so much. I want to meet him... I'm sorry'', I bow down my head.

There was silence for a moment. Maybe he doesn't want to help me.

''Fine Fine.... I will help you out'', Kayne's words overwhelmed me. I hug him happily. ''thank you'', I said happily.

Kayne told me that there will be a meeting held among all the vampire clans' leaders. So, I'm going to follow him to the meeting.

''Are you OK?'', Kayne asked me when he sees me how nervous I am.

Entering the grand vampire building took my breath. There are many many vampires around the building. All of them look tense and fierce.

My eyes catch Drake who was standing beside Master Dreven. Arthur and Petra are beside him. He turned his sight to me and looked surprised seeing me. He knitted his brows together.

To make him jealous, I purposely hold Kayne's hand while laying my head on his chest.

''Jeez... can you not overreact?'', Kayne scolded lightly but faking a smile in front of everyone.

''Just go along with me'', I requested.

Kayne brings me to Drake's side. Drake was glaring at me. but I don't mind it at all.

''Oh Jacintha... you are here too?'', Master Dreven looked surprised.


''Are you kidding me?'', Drake suddenly asked me seriously. ''go back to your place!! If someone here knows that you are a human, you will be dead!!'', he warned.

''What you care?'', I asked him while crossing my arms under my chest. ''I plan to be Kayne's human feed'', Drake didn't say anything. I know he will be jealous. He's going to stop me.

''Go ahead'', he spoke. My expression changed with his words. ''I don't fucking care about you or him. What I care the most is the problem that is happening me'', he said angrily while passing through me.

When he was walking out, I quickly run towards him and hug him from behind.

''I miss you'', I say while dropping my tears. ''I miss you so much, Drake. I came here to meet you not to trouble you. I'm really sorry... but I miss you so much'', I sobbed.

Drake grabs my hands which I curled around his torso but suddenly he took it off from him and turned to see me.

''I say I don't fucking care about you'', I'm stunned with his words.

He was walking away from me. Without looking at anyone, while thinking about the humiliation I had just now, I run towards the door but in a middle way, I got tripped over and fell on a table. I got to cut myself on my arm and blood was flowing out from it.

Everyone turned to see me. Damn, I totally forget that my blood attracted the vampires. In a blink of eyes suddenly one vampire storm towards me with his fangs.

''Jacintha, watch out!!'', Kayne was running towards me.

Everything happens in a second and I couldn't move even a bit. I stood still shockingly. Just before that vampire pierces his fangs on me, someone pushed him away from me. I kneel down with a trembling body. My tears rolled down from my eyes and I see Drake who turned to see me.

''Jacintha'', Kayne grabs my arm but my eyes only see at Drake.

''she's a human'', one vampire said with a craving tone.

''We need her blood'', another vampire sniffs his nose.

''She's going to be Kayne's human feed'', Drake suddenly interfere.

''Everyone step back'', Master Dreven said seriously. ''Kayne, bring her out from here!!'', he ordered.

When I was walking away, I turned to see Drake. He doesn't even turn to see me.

''Jacintha'', Kayne called me when I was walking out from him. ''are you OK?'', he asked in concern.

I nodded

''Listen to Jacintha... let this thing solve first. Then I will talk with Master Drake OK?'', he told me.

I smile lightly and nodded.


Drake cares for me. That's what I realize when he saved me from that vampire. But still, my heart is aching so much.

''Jacintha, what happens?'', Cecilia, my second sister ask me when I was doing nothing but just stare in no direction. Yes, I'm in my hometown.

''h...huh? Nothing'', I fake a smile.

'' don't lie JC... everyone knows that you are not yourself since you back home. You didn't do well for your exam?'', she asked in concern.

''No... nothing'', I told her the same exact thing I'm telling every day. She sighed heavily.

''I don't know what had happened to you. But I just want to remind you one thing'', she holds my hand. ''we love you so much. No matter what... no matter where we are, we always care for each other and trust me, we won't hesitate to sacrifice ourselves to save our beloved people'', her words make me turned towards her.

''Isn't it sis?'', she smiled. ''won't you sacrifice yourself for me?''

''what if I come back as a ghost and claim my life back?'', I asked her and she chuckled.

''Well my dear big sister, first of all, if you truly love me, you won't claim my life. Second, you won't ever try to kill me because... you love me very much. I trust you... huhuhu...'', she winked and I smile.

Since Tiger is afraid to go alone outside, I accompany him from behind. I remember back the first time I met Drake. The situation was just like this. The difference is, that time I was with my mother and Cecelia but this time I'll all alone.

''Hello dear'', someone greeted me from behind. When I turned back, I get shocked when I see Clara in front of me. She sprays something to my face and everything turned black.


Drake was fighting with one of Dashiel's servants, Cyrus Helion, a powerful demon and other shadows. Other vampire clans are helping Drake to put that demon down.

''Master Drake'', Arthur suddenly appears beside Drake.

''don't you see I'm busy?'', Drake looked angry when Arthur interferes Drake's fighting.

''They took Jacintha'', Drake stopped walking and turned back seriously.

On the other side, Jacintha was brought inside one ally by Clara's men. She looked hesitant and was trembling thinking about the consequences.


Find out more in the next episode...

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