Burden for him

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Everyone come out from the hall after heard about the fire at the back of the hall. Petra and Venus are helping other kids away from that building whereas the vampire guards are trying to pour water to stop the fire.

''What the heck is happening here?'', Master Dreven looked shocked with the fire.

''We don't know the cause of it. Suddenly it was firing. Maybe the kids accidentally touched something they shouldn't'', Petra explained.

''Is everyone OK?'', he asked.

''Yes. Thank God Jacintha enters the building and saved two kids. They are fine'', Venus replied.

''Where is that girl?'', Master Dreven asked.

Venus and Petra were looking around.

''She was here just now'', Petra said while searching around.

Drake is looking around.

''Master Dreven, the girl suddenly enters the building. I tried to stop her but she said she needs to get something she dropped inside'', the guard vampire informed and everyone shocked.

''God, the fire is blowing heavily. There's no chance for us to enter'', one of the vampires stated.

Drake was looking at the building. He pointed one window beside the building. Flying up to the window, he broke the window and enter there.

Jacintha grabs the keychain she dropped and relieved after finding it. Suddenly the roof starting to tear apart and fall on Jacintha. She looked stunned but Drake who came there quickly pulled her away.

''Drake'', Jacintha looked happy.

Without saying anything, Drake carries Jacintha by bridal style and fly over to the window.

''Jacintha'', Lilac looked relieved after seeing her. ''what happened? Why you enter again?'', she asked.

''No, I... drop my keychain. So I enter to take it'', she explained.

Drake suddenly gives a tight slap to Jacintha which makes her fell back. Everyone shocked by Drake's action.

''What the hell are you thinking? What's so important in that keychain more than your life?'', he looked angry.

Jacintha stands up while gripping the keychain in her hand. Blood is flowing at the side of her lips and Drake's fingers imprinted on her cheek.

''you take everything playfully!! You trouble me so much!! No idiot will risk their life to take one mere keychain!!'', he shouted at her.

''I precious this keychain so much OK?!!'', Jacintha shouted back. ''My brother gave me the same alphabet keychain to me but I failed to take care of it. One day before his death, that chain was broken into two because I accidentally drop it. I failed to protect it that time!'', she said while dropping her tears. 

''And when you give me the same alphabet keychain, I decided to protect it no matter what!!'', she said while staring at him. ''I don't want anything to happen to you as my brother!!'', Drake's expression soften with Jacintha's words. ''I don't want you to die. I don't want to lose you...'', she said while crying. ''I'm sorry... sorry for being a burden for you'', after saying it, she walks out from there.

''She's not Clara, Drake'', Master Dreven tapped Drake's shoulder. ''It's time to see people who really care for you'', he smiled.



''I want to go back. Please send me back'', I requested Arthur. ''Please'', I pleaded.

He nodded. Without telling anyone, Arthur brings me back to my hostel. I cried a lot while hugging my knees. Since its semester break, the hostel building looked quiet. Many went back to their hometown. Except for some students.

My brother took good care of me. He loves us very much. But when he suddenly hate me, I couldn't bear that pain. Despite it, after I meet Drake, there is a new light for me. He always protect me. He always come for me. But I'm just being a burden for him.

One of my close friends, Adrian doesn't go back to his hometown since his parents went abroad on a business trip. So he decided to stay here. Thankfully, after know that I'm here too, he invited me to explore this place.

''I thought you went back already. You told me that you booked your flight at that time'', Adrian smiled.

''Huh... yes... but it was canceled. My parents got something else to do'', I lied.

''Well, same here'', he said as he takes a sip from his drink. We talked about our assignments, annoying lectures, gossiping about my bitchy friends and so on. I felt much relieved after spending my time with him.

After bid farewell, I was walking back to my hostel and I stopped when I see the ally. Last time Nick told me to meet him inside that ally. I take out the keychain from my bag and hold it. It gives me some courage. My heart is beating faster when I enter the ally. It looks darker and creepy.

''Glad to find you here'', Nick's voice was heard behind me. I turned around and see Nick who is staring at me. There's only hateful sight, not the love he always give us.

''Nick'', I called him emotionally. ''I... I'm so glad to meet you, Nick. I wanted to meet you so much'', I started. ''I miss you. Mom and others missed you so much too. I'm so sorry for your death... really, I am'', tears streaming down from my eyes. ''If only I can rewind back the time.... I won't force you to fetch me. I'm so sorry, Nick. Please forgive me'', I begged for his forgiveness.

''I don't want your sorry Jacintha. I want my life back'', he sounded like a mad person. ''Exchange your life with me. Come... let's exchange'', he steps towards me like he's craving something. Out of fear, I step back and stop against the wall. My body is trembling to see his expression.

When he about to approach me, someone stands before me. Nick stopped his move and his expression turned serious. I drag myself down since I'm shivering with the moment just now. Seeing Nick's mad face, make my legs turned into jelly.

'' don't think you can protect her always. One day she will die like your wife and I will make sure I get my life back before that!!!'', he smirked before he disappears.

Someone holds my hands. When I lifted up my head, I see Drake in front of me. I'm speechless and couldn't even utter a word.

''you know right you trouble me a lot.... I don't want you to get killed because I'm sure as hell that you will haunt me even as a ghost. I can stand with a talkative ghost'', his words make me chuckled even though I was dropping my tears. Without thinking much, I hugged him.

''I'm sorry... I came here to apologize to him''

''And it turned out miserably'', he teased and I chuckled.

''Indeed'', I smiled. 


Well, pity Jacintha isn't it? 

Although Drake seems heartless, he cares for her....  

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