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''Witch Rueben's spirit was restored'', Drake's expression changed with Arthur's words.

The place is in chaos after Clara restored Witch Rueben's spirits by her power and with the four leaves clover. Rueben was attacking Drake's clan since he wanted to take over his kingdom. Drake and others fought back. The war has started.

Rueben faces Drake. Drake tried to fight but Rueben is way too stronger.

''Give me your kingdom on your will if you don't want to die, Master Drake'', Rueben ordered but Drake refused. ''then I will take it by force'', he attacked Drake.

Jacintha who sees Drake's vision and that war, came to Drake's castle to meet him.

''Drake'', Jacintha grabs Drake's arm.

''What are you doing here, Jacintha. I told you to not come back!!"', he scolded.

''I can't leave you.... No'', Jacintha refused to listen to Drake.

Rueben smirked seeing it. He suddenly pulls Jacintha towards him. Drake gets shocked.

''Seems like I can use her to scare you'', he smiled as he turns to see Jacintha.

Rueben casts a spell and Jacintha was pulled inside a bubble buoy. Jacintha was being tortured inside. Using Drake's power, he successfully saved her.

''Jacintha', he looked worried.

Jacintha coughs blood.

''Master Drake, what can we do? He's unstoppable!!'', Venus looked exhausted.

''The only way to beat him is using the God of Darkness, Dashiel Angelsin but if he was unsealed, it's harmful to us too!!'', Arthur stated.

Rueben attacked Drake's side. Everyone fell back. Jacintha slowly stands up and sees Drake who's groaning in pain. Drake took most of Rueben's attack.

''Master Drake'', Petra looked shocked.

''this is your last day Drake... say goodbye to your life'', he pointed a silver sword to Drake to kill him.

Before that sword stab Drake, Jacintha suddenly stood before him as the sword stabbed Jacintha's stomach.

''Jacintha'', Drake holds Jacintha in his arms. ''No No...'', he looked panicked.

''D....Drake'', Jacintha palms his cheek.

''Listen to me Jacintha... use your last wish to cure this wound'', he ordered.

''Hahaha.... You all just like dusk to me'', Rueben laughed.

Drake lifted up his head and furiously stare at Ruben. His anger reached a peak. He was casting some spell.

''I, the heir of Enigma Knight Clan, KINGSTON DRAKE QUINTON, release my dad's seal of Dashiel Angelsin. OPEN!!'', soon after Drake says it, one black aura hit that place. Rueben get shocked with Dashiel's arrival.

''You dare to fool me Rueben?'', Dashiel grips Rueben's neck and Rueben was struggling for air.

At the same time, Drake uses her wish to cure her fatal wound and it was cured.

After a deadly fight between Rueben and Dashiel, Dashiel finally killed Rueben but since he was drained lot of energy, he disappears.

''Master Drake, she's saved'', Arthur informed.

Drake didn't say anything but just standing against the window; thinking about everything.


I know something like this will happen but I can't let anything happen to Drake. Thankfully, Drake reminds me about my last wish and I use it to cure my fatal wound.

''Is Drake OK?'', I ask Petra who was beside me when I woke up.

''Yes Jacintha...'', her words make me relieve.

''What happens to that witch?''

Petra told me that Rueben was killed by the God of darkness, Dashiel Angelsin but the real problem will start after this. She told me that after Dashiel regains his real power, he might attack everyone. Now I'm worried. God, how Drake will face this?

''Jacintha, Master Drake asked me to bring you to the hall'', Arthur who was at the doorway informed me.

I eagerly walked to the hall to meet Drake.

''Drake'', I run towards him and hug him happily. ''thank god you are fine'', leaning back, I gaze him.

''Jacintha, from now on, you don't have any connection with me'', he stated seriously and I was shocked.

''w...w...what?'', I release his arm that I was holding.

''This all happen because of you. If you didn't come there, I wouldn't have to revive Dashiel!!", he looked angry.

''D...rake... but he tried to kill you. I c...can't...''

''If I told you to not come there, you should listen to me damn it'', he shouted and I was startled. ''you ruin everything. I regret to meet you in my life!!'', tears streaming down to my cheeks with his words. ''I can't do this anymore'', he said as he steps towards me. ''you will be free from me!!'', I stepped back. 

''No!!'', I raised ''Drake, don't do this'', I cried. ''I'm sorry OK. I'm really sorry but don't leave me. I can't... live without you... I...''

''SHUT UP'', he cut me off. ''you are nothing but useless Jacintha. Now I realize how wrong I am to keep you with me. Better I choose another girl who's far better than you. You too kind and I don't like it!! What are you expecting me to do to save my life? Thank you? Give me a break'', he smirked.

''At first, I thought everything will be fine but trust me, Jacintha. We both can't be together'', he said strictly. ''stand still. I will do it quickly'', he grabs my arm but I step back faster.

''No No... you can't break our tie... please Drake I'm begging you'', I pleaded. ''after everything we done together, why you are behaving like this'', I sobbed.

''Together? What I did?'', he looked puzzled. ''Oh... you mean kissing you?'', he smirked. ''I'm a male vampire. Of course, I have my own lust and desire on girls especially from my prey. I make love to every of my female human feed''

''You are lying'', I shook my head. ''You are lying!!''

''But you know what Jacintha... Indeed you are not pretty like other girls. You are uglier dark bitch I've ever meet. Now I'm disgusting to touch you'', he grabs my arm and pull me to him. ''Please leave my life. I deserve someone better!!'', I'm stunned with his words

At last... he broke off our relationship... My connection with him come to an end


Ok, I know it's quite hard but this is it...

They broke up... 

Wait until the next episode :)

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