He's Angry

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''Leo'', I run towards him excitedly after see him.

''Hye sweetheart'', Leo greeted me. He was in his Lion form.

When I meet Leo at first, I was scared of him but he's really nice and friendly. I caress his cheek.

''Get up'', Drake instructed.

''Really? Can I ride him?'', I asked him happily and he nodded.

''Yaay..'', I jumped in joy.

''hahaha... look who is excited here'', Leo chuckled.

Leo was flying on the sky whereas I'm enjoying the breeze and the scene. Drake was flying behind us.

''wahh... see there... It's bird'', I saw some birds flying beside us in a troupe. Standing up slowly, I try to touch the bird but I get unstable and fall out from Leo. I close my eyes but someone holds me up. When I open my eyes, I saw Drake's bright eyes looking at me. In the midst of this darkness, his blue eyes captivating my heart.

Drake was flying forward without saying anything. My heart is beating faster. Not because I'm scared but... it's something else.

Drake puts me up to Leo. We get down nearby to the waterfall. Since it's a full moon, the water shows the reflection of the moon beautifully.

''Drake'', I called him but he's looking at the other side like he's thinking about something. I touch his arm and he turned back to see me. ''is there anything?'', I asked him

''Nothing. Stay here. I will back in a while'', he said as he suddenly disappears.

Leo was beside me. Suddenly I feel uneasy. What if something happens to Drake? Despite Leo's warning, I walk inside to search for him. One blast was heard inside. Quickly, I hide behind a tree. There are few vampires surrounded one guy and there is a kid beside him. if not mistaken, that guy is Drake's enemy. Last time he's the one who attacked Drake and the one that I throw garlic at him to divert his attention.

''Master Kayne, you are finish today'', one vampire hit him and he was thrown away at the tree. I guess, he's the leader for other vampires there. Drake was standing beside him.

''Master Drake, you can go now'', he instructed Drake. ''You can pass my forest'', he added while smiling.

Some vampires grabbed the little girl who looked terrified.

''Hye, play with us'', they teased her by touching her body.

What the heck? She's like ten years old and they treat her like an adult...

Suddenly, Kayne, Drake's enemy runs faster and hits those vampires who are messing with that kid.

''don't touch her!!'', he said seriously. ''You want to kill me? KILL ONLY ME. Not her!!'', he stated.

''Fine, we will kill you... ask her to go back'', the leader smirked.

Kayne turned to see that little girl.

''Emma, listen to me. Go to your mother ok?'', he said softly.

''Uncle... don't leave me...'', she cried.

''I won't leave you, baby... just go back OK?'', after Kayne persuaded that girl, she nodded and was walking away from him while crying. Suddenly that leader vampire grabbed Kayne's neck whereas one of his proxies attack the little girl. She was thrown at the tree which is nearer to me.

Damn those guys!!

Kayne looked angry and he tried to resist but he couldn't release himself from the leader vampire. He's already injured badly.

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