A letter for you

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"If by my life or death I can protect you, I will." ~ J. R. R. Tolkien


''Come, Jacintha, let's go'', Arthur said.

''Take care sweetpea'', Venus hugged me like she always did it.

''Bye, Venus'', I smile.

''Hello'', someone called us from the main gate.

When we turned around we see Master Beaufox, Beaufox clan's leader. There were his men behind him. I still remember that time when he invited us to his palace. Also, how he treated those human slaves mercilessly. His men were killed by the wolf and he was searching for the killer at that time.

''Master Beaufox'', Arthur greeted him politely. ''Master Drake is not around'', he informed.

''I don't come here to meet him though'', Beaufox stood before me. I was shocked. ''So tell me Miss Jacintha, I guess you were hiding something from me'', I gulped with his words.

Arthur quickly stood before me.

''Master Beaufox, I'm afraid that Master Drake won't like if any guest enters without his permission'', soon after Arthur said it, Beaufox grabbed Arthur's neck and lift him up.

Drake's vampire guards and Beaufox guards are waiting to fight with each other. Their fangs showed up. Beaufox was strangling Arthur. Drake's guards couldn't do anything since Beaufox threaten them that if they move even a bit, he will kill Arthur.

''Please, let him go', I pleaded.

''You are the human who killed my men isn't it?'', he asked me seriously

''No... I don't kill them. Trust me''

''So you admit that you are a human'', he smirked and I swallow my saliva anxiously. ''I can smell your blood from your arm although it's been dried... seems like you giveaway your blood'', he smiled cynically.

Releasing Arthur, he grabbed my hair and pulled me closer to him.

''You have to come with me, darling'', he said as he dragged me away from everyone.

Beaufox brought me to the same place where I found those wolves.

''tell me, darling... why you kill them?'', he asked me seriously.

''I... I...d...don't kill them'', I stammer.

''Tie her'', Beaufox ordered. Two of his men drag me behind and tie me around the tree using a rope.

Beaufox steps towards me; holding a medium size box. When he opens it, I saw a three-headed snake inside it.

''Please... I don't know anything...'', I cried.

''You will tell me now'', he smirked as he brings the snake closer to me. It suddenly bites my arm. The pain increases slowly all around my body. I scream out loud since the pain was too much.


Clara successfully grab the four leaves clover but she was consumed by the darkness. She was suffocating. Drake who came there uses his power and saves Clara from that deadly hollow.

''Clara'', he puts the unconscious Clara against the tree. Drake gets weaker since he uses too much of his power to save Clara. Suddenly someone hit him from behind. Drake was groaning in pain on the ground.

''I told you what... he will come to save me'', Clara woke up and she was smiling. ''I'm sorry Drake. I had to use you'', she said softly.

''Clara, your plan is indeed perfect'', Rufus smirked while turned to see his brother. ''We know we can't claim the clover by ourselves. That why we sent you the news about Clara and we know you will come to save her'', Rufus explained.

''your father is the one who separated us, Drake'', Clara's expression changed to serious. ''I won't forgive him and his clan. I will take over your clan and will proceed with my plan to kill all the vampires. And then I will form a new kingdom!!'', she stated.

''C...Clara'', Drake called her weakly.

''I'm the one who saved you. So, let me end your life'', her expression changed into sad in a flash but she covers it. ''throw him at the deadly hollow. I hope we can reconcile at hell'', she said as she turned back to walk.

Rufus carried Drake and push him inside the deadly hollow. Many monsters and demons were approaching him to eat him. Drake was drowning inside the water while looking at the surface weakly. He closes his eyes while thinking about his memories with Clara.

''Drake... come back safely'', suddenly he remembers Jacintha's words.

''I... I just want to say that... I never hate you. So... you don't hate yourself too''

Drake's ring shining brightly. He opens his eyes.

''She's in danger'', his eyes turned red.

Leo grabbed Drake right at the time and pull him to the surface. Using his power, he formed a shield around them to prevent those demons and monster to attack them.

''Master Drake'', Leo was calling him but Drake didn't respond. ''I can't hold longer. These monsters will break my shield any soon'', Leo looked anxious. 

He remembers back Jacintha's blood. Pulling out the blood bag, he pours it on Drake's mouth. Drake opens his eyes while screaming in pain. He drinks all the blood. Before the monsters attack him, he destroys everyone easily.

''where is Jacintha?'', he asked seriously.


''Master Drake, Master Beaufox took her!!'', Petra said anxiously. ''he knows that she's a human'', she added

After finding out what happened, Drake gets furious as hell.

''This is where they brought her'', Leo said after smell Jacintha's blood scent around the place. ''they tied her at the tree'', he informed.

Drake grips his hands angrily. He steps towards the tree and palm it. He sees the vision of Jacintha who was tortured by Beaufox using the Asa snake. Angrily, he punched that tree single-handedly and that tree was torn into two.

''M...Master Drake'', Lilac called him hesitantly. ''we found her bag'', Drake turned back and see a bag in Lilac's hand.

When he opens it, he found some things to kill vampires like garlic, salt, matches, and lighters. He sees the keychain. He holds the keychain while gazing at it.

''When you give me the alphabet keychain, I decided to protect it no matter what!! I don't want anything to happen to you as my brother!! I don't want you to die. I don't want to lose you...''

His expression changed. Drake accidentally sees a letter inside. He opens it.

Hi Vampire Prince,

''Ok, fine... I'm sorry. Sorry, a lot for giving up my blood to someone else. I totally forgot that you need my blood too. My stupid mind was thinking about that little girl and I wanted to save her. Poor girl, Drake. Kayne was very weak and you were fighting alone. How can I let you die there? That's why I give my blood to him. I know you are furious as hell because of my actions. You needed my blood more than anyone else but I act recklessly. After you drop me back to my place, I searched on the internet to increase my red blood cells. Jeez.... Because of you, I eat beef, chicken's liver and so many things I don't like for you. Damn, how can people eat that? Eww....'', Drake chuckled with Jacintha's words.

''OK back to our topic, I ate a lot of food that can increase my hemoglobin and also some trustable supplements. It's so damn expensive and I used all my savings to buy it. See Drake, I'm doing this for you. So better you drink my blood!! And Drake... hmmm... I'm sorry. SORRY for troubling you with my action. I just want to tell you that... I care for you. I won't leave you. If my blood is what you want to have, then you can have it. I don't mind it and I won't leave you''

Drake closes his eyes while looking down. When open his eyes, it turned red as he was looking furious....


Will Drake able to save Jacintha? 

Find out in the next part...

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