Innocent Jacintha

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Drake and I were walking back to my hostel silently. He didn't talk anything and the same goes for me. Somehow I feel awkward after yesterday's incident. 

Jeez... you hugged him just now but don't get awkward is it?

My phone ringtone startled me. It's from Adrian.


''Hye JC... did you arrive at your hostel?'', he asked.

''Not yet.... On my way now''

''On your way? Don't your hostel near to mine? You still didn't arrive?'', he sounded concern.

''Huh... yeah... actually, I met a friend. So, was talking with her'', I lied.

''Oh Ok... by the way, let's go karaoke tomorrow. What you say?'', he asked me.

''Karaoke?'', I get excited. ''Yes sure, can can...''

''hahaha....I know you will like it... So, maybe after karaoke, we can go for bowling'', he suggested.

''Ok Adrian... can't wait to see you tomorrow''

''Me too. Bye'', he hangs up the call after that.

I smile while looking at my phone. Thank God, Adrian is here. If not I would be bored to death.

''Who's that?'', Drake suddenly talked.

''my friend.... He didn't go back to hometown because his parents went abroad'', I replied.

''Then tell your friend that your plan will be canceled'', his words shocked me.


''Tomorrow, you have to give me your blood. It's already three months'', he stated calmly.

''but... hmmm... can I give after...''

''NO'', he cut me off. ''you have to come with me RIGHT NOW'', he strictly said.

I sighed. No point of talking to him. I brought him to my hostel room without anyone realize about it since men cannot enter girls' hostel. He was looking around weirdly.

''I know it's small. Just adjust it'', I said.

''who live at this kind of place? Humans are stingy'', he shook his head.

''Shut up'', exasperatedly, I slid my clothes inside my bag. ''I need to exchange my dress'', I informed.

''Ok'', he nodded while sitting on my bed.

I cross my arms under my chest and stare him exasperatedly.

''What?'', he looked puzzled.

''I say I want to exchange my dress''

''fine... go ahead'', he shrugged.

''Drake, are you kidding me?'', I scoffed.

''No... why should I?'', he was clueless.

''Damn, just get out from my room'', I shake my head with his clueless. ''how can I change my dress in front of a guy? Go out now'', I instructed.

''what's so big deal?'', he shrugged. ''I've already seen everything about you'', I gapped open my mouth shockingly with his words.


''Just kidding...'', he smirked.

''Damn you Drake!! My heart nearly stops just now'', I hit his shoulder exasperatedly and he laughed.

''hahaha... it's no big deal.... Nothing is wrong seeing others' body'', he shrugged.

''Hey Prince Charming, let me say this. I'm not like others who will show my body simply to some guys. I will do it only with my husband. Once committed always committed to one and only'', I said proudly.

''Yeah right....'', he mocked.

''Wait here... I will go bath first...''

''You want me to help you?'', he gives a lopsided smirk.

''No thanks, Mr Pervert. I'm fine on my own!!'', grabbing my clothes, I walked out exasperatedly.


Drake chuckled with Jacintha's reaction when he offered himself to help her get a bath. He walks towards the window and watch the outside view. Jacintha's phone was ringing. Drake turned back and in a blink of eyes, he's beside Jacintha's desk. He sees Adrian's name on her screen and then to the door to check whether Jacintha has come or not. Grabbing her phone, he smirked. After end the call, he blocks Adrian's name.

''Serve you right'', he smirked.

''what are you doing?'', Drake was startled and he dropped the phone accidentally.

''Oh shit... '', Jacintha comes besides Drake and took the phone from the floor. ''my phone'', she was checking her phone. ''Drake, can't you be careful? What if something happen to my phone?'', she asked exasperatedly.

''Jeez... it's just a cheap phone'', Drake scoffed.

''cheap for you not for me... I precious all my things no matter its cheap or expensive, worse or good!!'', Drake says while looking at her apps. Drake was gazing at her without saying anything. Jacintha lifted up her head to see him. ''It's fine'', she smiled happily.

''here'', Jacintha gives her phone to Drake.

''what?'', Drake was puzzled.

''you wanted to use my phone right?'', Jacintha asked innocently. Drake smile.

''whoa... is something good happen? You are smiling? Wow... that's a miracle'', Jacintha looked surprised.

''Shut up'', Drake quickly change her expression. ''let's go'', he walks forward.

Jacintha smile. After grab her backpack, she follows Drake from behind.


It's a short chapter.... 

Hope you guys enjoy their little moment... 

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