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I was walking at the side of the road while looking at the keychain that Drake gave to me. Somehow I feel secure with this chain. Just like my brother's one.

My legs stopped when I see the ally that is beside me. Nick told me to meet him there. Should I go? But no one is inside the dark ally. What if something happens to me? Jeez... what I'm thinking about? Nothing will happen though.

When I about to step inside the ally, someone grabbed my hand and turned me back.

''Drake?'', I was surprised to see him in front of me all of sudden.

''Tell me one thing, Jacintha. Do you make any wish to survive someone who's no more in this world?'', Drake asked me seriously. His nails dug in my skin.

''D...Drake'', his action scares me.

''Tell me to damn it'', he shouted; shivers down my spine

''n....no...'', I replied.

Suddenly someone was laughing all over the place. The wind is blowing strongly and the sky turned darker.

''Let her go'', I turned back soon after I heard that voice.

''Nick'', I'm stunned when I see my brother Nick in front of me. When I step forward, Drake grabs my hand and pulled me back.

''So you know uh? She told me everything about you, Master Drake'', Nick smirked.

''where is Clara?'', Drake asked seriously and I was shocked hearing Clara's name.

''who knows. She's in a very safe place. Now step back. My problem is not with you but her'', Nick pointed at me. ''Jacintha, I died because of you. You know it yourself'', his words make my heart aches in pain. ''it's time to correct your mistake'', he smirked. ''I want my life back. DO SOMETHING FOR ME Jacintha!! DO SOMETHING DAMN IT'', he shouted while stepping forward.

Tears flow from my eyes.

''What I've done?'', I run my hand on my forehead.

He disappears when Drake casts something. Drake turned back to see me.

''I d...didn't k...know.... I'm s...sorry'', I cried.

He brings me back to his castle.

''Who is that?'', Drake asked me in his serious tone. Petra, Lilac, Venus, and Arthur are inside the study room.

''m....my brother'', I replied without looking at him. ''I have two elder brothers. Nick is my first elder brother. Four years back, I was doing my diploma at another place. Normally I took public transportation to go back to my hometown. But sometimes my brother will send me off and fetch me by his motorbike since he doesn't have any car yet'', I close my eyes remembering back my past.

''he loved a girl truly. And mom decided to have engagement with him and that girl on a weekend. That time mom doesn't want my brother to come earlier to fetch me but I forced him to come to fetch me because I wanted to join the engagement just like others. After work, he came that night itself... for me. On the way back, we met with an accident. I survived but he... he died there'', I said while dropping my tears. ''he came for me... I supposed to die there not him. He has many plans for his future but...''

''Jacintha...'', Lilac rubs my back softly. 

''doesn't mean that you can wish to revive your brother. I've already warned you to not deal with any deceased person'', Drake stated with his serious tone.

''I don't know OK... I... I don't even know what I want to wish!! I wanted to know the truth about my brother's death. We hit something we don't even know. I want to know how he died. At the same time, I want to meet him for the last time. But suddenly when I was drinking the tea, suddenly I think whether this wish can survive my brother...''

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