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Cleo really didn't want to go to school today, Tuesday. After everything that happened the previous day, she was less than thrilled at the thought.

She was also frightened because of Zain. Though there was no way he could tie her to the hydrant mishap, she still felt guilty because she knew that it was her fault. What if he got hurt or had a concussion like Rikki had said, just thinking about it made her snuggle deeper into her mattress.

She was so close to faking an illness when her younger sister barged into her room without so much as a knock.

" Cleo you better get out of bed now, dad's getting breakfast ready and you know I don't like waiting, dad's gonna make me wait if you're not there, so hurry your ass up " she says all in one breath and walks out slamming the door, before Cleo can respond.

Cleo groans and crawls out of bed sluggishly. She was quite sure she looked nothing short of zombie like. She might as well get this day over and done with. She was going to avoid Zain like a plague. It was better to delay the inevitable.

Cleo is standing in the shower and contemplating whether or not to turn it on. The last thing she needs is her tail making an unwanted appearance, but she also needed to take a bath and there was no way in eons was she going to school all smelly and gross. Maybe if she was fortunate, her tail won't even appear and this was all temporary.. but deep down she knew that wouldn't be the case. She was a mermaid now, and her life would never be the same again whether she liked it or not.

Cleo opted for the bathtub instead and sits in the soapy water quickly. Sure enough, her navy blue tail appeared not up to ten seconds later.

As much as she wants to hate this whole being a mermaid thing, she can't help but marvel at how beautiful her tail was. The way the blue of her scales seemed to sparkle when reflected in the water, and the paper blue on the sides, even the navy locks in her hair. She had to admit her hair was a lot shinier and voluminous than ever before, and her skin, more smooth and healthy looking than before. It was no wonder she always forgot to moisturize.. that and moisturizer was mainly water, she knew how that was going to end.

She had to stop thinking like this, counting all the ' benefits ' of being a mermaid, would only weaken her resolve to ' fix ' the problem. It didn't matter if she was more beautiful and or powerful than before. This wasn't normal and it'll only bring problems in the long run.

She looks at her tail again, and with every movement of it, and moments that passed by, she finds herself growing more attached to it. Maybe Rikki was right, she couldn't remember in all her 15+ years of existence, anything special or exciting happening to her. She had these abilities now, and despite the cons, she felt so special and different and she actually kind of liked it, even though no one else knew aside from Rikki and Emma.

The only Friend who didn't know about her secret was Lewis. That knowledge saddened her. She hated keeping things from him, especially things as important as this. But Lewis was a scientist at heart, and exciting as this news would be for him, she couldn't help but think that he would see her differently because of it. God knows she didn't want anything to change between them. She didn't know how Lewis felt about her. For all she knew, he saw her as a little sister and nothing more, and that thought hurt her beyond words. But there was nothing she could do about her unrequited feelings for her best friend. In fact, it was better he didn't know about her powers, the sooner she fixed it the better.

Getting out of the tub, she gets herself ready for school with a new determination. She wasn't going to allow her being a mermaid change anything in her life, especially her relationship with Lewis. Today, was going to be as normal as possible.. she would make sure of it.

# # # #

Hello my lovelyz! How is everyone doing? I hope you're all staying safe and indoors in the light of this pandemic. Pls wash your hands regularly and avoid contact with your face. We would all get through this as long as we heed the warnings and steps passed on by the authorities.

On a lighter note, it seems Cleo is fancying her tail more than she'll like to admit.. and she loves Lewis! I think anyone who watched the show from ep 1 could already tell. Clewis for life!

Stay tuned for more updates and drama filled chapters.

Also, my new book HIS GUARDIAN is out now on Wattpad. I have already uploaded a chapter as at yesterday and I'll upload more soon.. pls check it out and vote and comment on it... I'd really appreciate it.

Follow me to find the book

Thank you all!

Luwiza out ✌️

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