Chapter 11 - Gone, gone, and gone

Start from the beginning

"Nashi?" Lucy questioned, concern building in her heart. This was wrong, Nashi wasn't this quiet... ever. She opened the door and threw it open.

An empty bedroom met her and a suspicious window with it's curtains open wide. That was wrong, Nashi always closed her curtains after sunset. Lucy looked around the room wildly, spotting a small slip of paper with a note scribbled on to it which was strewn on Nashi's desk.

Hey Mom. Went to find enchanter who took Dad. With Shiro, Kina, Shido, and Storm. Please don't kill me when I get back.

         ~Love, Nashi

Lucy clenched the paper. She should've expected this. She did expect this, this was Natsu's daughter she was dealing with. Heck, this was her daughter she was dealing with. 

"Nashi," she grimaced. "Please be careful."

"MOM! MOM! MOM! MOM!" The two Fullbuster twins yelled, tumbling over one another in their matching blue PJs as they are up to their mother who was laying in bed, just awakening.

Juvia sat up groggily, as did Gray who was at her side.

"What's the matter?" Juvia asked, rubbing her eyes.

"It's too early you two," Gray moaned, pulling a pillow over his head.

"Storm's gone!" Ame and Silver yelled in sync.

"What!?" Juvia and Gray asked, also in sync. Gray sat bolt upright and Juvia's eyes widened.

"His bedroom's window is open and he's gone!" Ame explained frantically.

"He dipped out on us!" Silver huffed. "The jerk."

"Where'd he go!" Gray yelled, leaping out of bed, stark naked.

Silver and Ame didn't look amused.

"Gray, darling, you're a bit exposed," Juvia giggled, getting out of bed. She wore a light blue nightgown and made right for Storm's room down the hall.

Gray, meanwhile, fumbled about as he tried to find his boxers.

"Uncool, Dad," Silver deadpanned.

"Lance, Lance, Lance, Lance, Lance," Emma demanded, banging on Lance's door.

"I recommend you not," Pantherlily chuckled, flying past.

"He needs to stop sleeping in! We're in a crisis here!" Emma growled, glaring at the door. "I'm breaking it down."

She raised her two fingers and signed the word 'Mace'. Suddenly, she was holding a hefty mace in her small arms. She lifted it over her head and with all her strength, she brought it down into the door, breaking a huge hole in it with a huge 'crash'.

From in the living room, Levy sweatdropped at the sound and mentally prepared herself to ask Laki for another door when she saw her again. Kuro and Kurui looked to one another from where they sat on the carpet and grinned knowingly.

"LANCE! GET UP!" Emma demanded as the magic mace disappeared. She peered through the hole in the door before kicking it open.

"LANCE!?" Emma demanded, stomping the room.

There was no response.

From the living room, Levy sat up, wondering why she wasn't hearing the familiar sounds of arguing.

"MOM!" Emma called worriedly.

Levy was by her side in moments, scanning the empty room.

"Lance!?" Levy asked concerned.

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