"Beating her ass, isn't it obvious, bitch?" A girl with a thick make up said, I think she's the leader of their group.

"Ssh! That's the heir of Shin Industries!" Her friend said, holding her arm.

But wait, what?! "Hara, you're--?" She nodded her head at me, not letting me finish what was I going to say.

"And you are friends with her? She's poor, Ms. Shin. She might steal some of your money--"

"That's why our classmates doesn't want to date girls like you. You're too judgemental." Hara says. Cutting her off.

"Just because you're rich does it mean you can bully the poor now? Wait until karma hits you. Real hard." She continued. "Don't act like you own this school. You are rich yes, yet you don't even have some manners."

Well said, Hara.

They just glared at her before they started to walk away like nothing happened.

We went towards the girl that they beat.

I stopped on my tracks when I realized she's familiar.

"Oh my gosh!" I went to her and turned her around, she's unconscious! Oh my goodness!

"Omo, look at what they did to her."

I knew it! She's the girl who helped me last time! I lifted her sleeves and saw how many bruises she has.

What kind of monster would do this to her?! Who did this to her?! "She's unconscious. She may have passed out while they were still beating her, let's ger her to the clinic." I told Hara.

I wrapped her arm around my shoulder while Hara wrapped her other arm around hers. We both carried all the books that was scatted around the place and her bag.

"Why is she helping a nerd?"

"She's the heir of the Shin Industries, right?"

"And she's with a nerd, also?"

"Wow, after targetting Min Yoongi, her next victim is Shin Hara?"

Excuse me? He never became my target, I was the one who became his target. Their target, I meant.

"Hello, how--OH MY GOODNESS!" The nurse who helped us last time hurriedly went to us. "She passed out." I told her.

She helped us carry her to the bed.

"Poor girl."

"We saw a group of girls beating her." Hara said. "Will she be fine?"

"I hope so." The nurse answers as she starts treating her wounds. "You girls, go take your recess."

I stared at her. She looks so helpless.

Why do they have to do this to her? To us? Why do they have to do this when she didn't even did anything to them?

The nurse once told me that she caught the attention of the richest heir here, and he's also popular like him.

Did they bully her not just because she's like this but also because she got his attention like mine?

"Nayeon, let's go." Hara gently held my arm and pulled me outside.

"Do you know her?" She asked.

"I don't know her name but she helped me before. When someone hurt me." I answered, my voice is really full of worry.

"Do you want to visit her after our classes?" She asks. I nodded my head immediately.

"I want to, so I can say thank you to her for helping me last time."

"Okay, I'll come with you and let's go home together."

I shook my head at her. "Thank you but no." I smiled at her. "Our neighbors might think that I befriended you to steal some of your money--"

"No, my intention is good, okay." She smiles at me. "And we also heard the rumors that you are the ex-girlfriend of Min Yoongi."

"And he embarassed you in front of everyone."

Of course, they'll hear it. One thing that doesn't die here in our University is rumor.

"It's okay, we're a family here. Ypu can trust us." She says. "Let's go and get some snacks."

Our classes has finally ended. Hara and I are now on our way to the clinic where we left her.

I hope she's still there.

We knocked on the door and waited for like ten seconds before it opened. "Hello."

"Hello, can we see the girl we rushed here for about, um, three or three and a half hours?" Hara asked the nurse. "Oh that girl, she went home already an hour ago."

"Oh." What a bummer. I hope our paths will cross again.

"If you guys know where she lives well you can visit her."

"Ne, thank you." We bowed at her, she did the same before closing the door.

"That's okay, Nayeon. We'll meet her again." She says.

"I hope so."

"Anyway, where do you live? I can tell our driver to send you home--"

"Oh no, that's okay, Hara." I cut her off. "You can just drop me at the bus stop."

"Don't be silly, I won't judge you. My intention is good like what I told you."

I sighed. I can see it from her eyes as well. She and our other classmates are way too different from my previous classmates, though. "Okay."

"Let's go, now!" She wrapped her arm around mine as we started to walk outside the University.

I saw some of my previous classmates, one of them pointed me. They started to gossip about Hara and I. Especially, her. I mean, she's a heir so I assume that she's also quite popular.

Hara has the looks, has a great body and a great mind. Her humor is also great and she's very kind.

"Ms. Shin." A man, in a suit walks to us. Her driver, maybe. "Can we send my new friend to her home?" She asked.

"Anything, Ms. Shin. Please get in." Her driver opens the passenger's door for her. "You too, Ms."

"T-Thank you." I bowed a little before following Hara inside. "Where do you live, Nayeon?"

I live in a neighborhood where people never run out of rumors and never gets tired judging someone.

The ride to my home is fine, I think. Our neighbors are looking at the fancy car that stopped infront of our house.

Guess another rumor will be up once I got out from the car. Anyway, I'm already used to it.

"Thank you for the ride, Hara." I said and smiled at her. "No worries."

I opened the door beside me and went out. She waved her hand before she closes the door.

I can hear our neighbors started whispering about me getting out from a fancy car.

I just ignored them and went inside our house. The whole house is still empty, maybe Eomma is still at the market.

Having a real friend is actually great. This is my first having this kind of friend.

There's someone who will be there for you and will listen to whatever you wanna say. She's making me feel like I can lean on her whenever I have problems.

I can open up things to her.

I feel like, she'll be there for me when things go rough to me.

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