Alejandro nodded as he wrapped her in his arms, "What happened?" Greece asked as she come out with Adriano-Brio waddling behind her.

Alejandro explained the situation to Greece who bit her lip in worry. Rome tugged Alejandro's shirt, attempting to get his attention, "Are we going to the hospital?" She asked.

"I'll call Alessando in a little bit, to see if they need anything," Greece spoke up.

Allegro nodded, "If anything, we'll go see them in the next hour,"

Rome nodded, feeling Alessando rub her shoulder comfortingly before everyone seemed to separate.


Laya was fine, the babies were fine and Rome was chuckling as Laya yelled at Elliot for fluffing her pillow wrong. They had come to visit Laya who would be staying overnight in the hospital, due to stress and overwork, all of which Alessando blamed on her being at the gym too much. Rome couldn't help but feel guilty, because she and Laya had just been there a few days ago.

Rome was standing beside Alejandro as everyone was crowded around in her room. Rome's eyes met Laya's who smiled warmly and beckoned her over. She hugged Laya tightly before speaking, "I'm glad you're okay, I was so scared,"

Laya chuckled, "Me too, but me and my lil babies are okay,"

"Yeah and you better not do that again!" Elliot scolded.

Laya rolled her eyes playfully, "Pinky promise!"

Rome smiled and walked over towards Dallas who announced that visiting hours were over and the rest of the Martini's had to leave. Everyone bid them goodbye and headed towards the row of identical SUV's. Rome hopped in shot gun with Alejandro as they drove back towards the compound. The drive was silent and Rome leaned her head against the window, her mind wandering.

If you'd told her a few months ago that she was going to be out of her fathers house; she would have never believed it. But here she was, with Alejandro, the man whom she liked, her—

She hummmed, was he, her boyfriend?

Did he want to be her boyfriend?

He hadn't even asked her out yet?

Rome frowned, all her life, her father instilled in her head that woman were to be in the background, that they were second to men and while Rome's shy personality reflected her upbringing, she wanted to do something bold, something that a year ago she would have never thought of doing...

She said softly, (my love)

"Yes?" He asked questioningly.

"Will you go on date with me?" She asked.

Her eyes hopeful, as they conveniently stopped at red light. Rome looked on excitedly as Alejandro's eyes mirrored hers.

"Of course, il mio tesoro," (my treasure)

Rome giggled before turning her attention back to the room, the boyfriend question still plaguing her. From the movies, she'd watched with Dallas and the girls it was clear that after the date, if it went well, that the boy would usually ask for the girl to be his girlfriend, Rome nodded, alright, she thought, she'd just have to wait.

But that seemed a bit ridiculous when she thought about it further, because they already lived together, which skipped like three steps already! Rome was comfused and annoyed that she didn't know this stuff.

"What are you thinking so hard about for your nose to scrunch up like that?" Alejandro asked, amusement evident in his tone.

Rome shook her head, "It's nothing,"

"Tesoro," (treasure)
"Dimmelo, ti prego" (please tell me)

Rome groaned at his tone, knowing she couldn't resist it when he did that.

تجاوزنا الخطوات
(we skipped steps!)

Alejandro gave her a pointed look, "Italian or English please,"

She groaned again, not wanting to make a big deal out of it.

"We skipped steps,"

This made Alejandro give her a confused expression as they pulled into the compound.

"Steps? What steps?"

"For a relationship! Like in the movies!" She said.

Alejandro's eyebrows were still furrowed, "First, you were supposed to ask me on a date, then we kiss, you ask me out again and maybe then you ask me to be your girlfriend and then we move in together," she paused, "like the movies!" She reiterated.

Alejandro's eyes widened, "Does it bother you that we skipped, steps?" He asked.

Rome was silent, before shaking her head, no she wouldn't change it for anything.

"Are you sure? I—" Alejandro began.

Oh to hell with it, Rome thought.

"Are you my boyfriend?" She asked.

Alejandro stopped and gave her a face, "Was this was all of that was about?" He asked.

Rome frowned, wanting him to answer her before quickly shaking her head to spur him on.

"Yes, tesoro," he chuckled, "I'm your boyfriend,"

Rome cheered before shooting forward into his arms, wrapping herself around him before leaning back, "We're still going on that date right?" She asked.

"Without a doubt," he replied, kissing her lips tenderly.


A U T H O R ' S    N O T E

definitely a filler, but I hope you enjoyed.

Dangerous In Black (four)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant