Chapter 10: Desaster

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With an exhausting pace, she entered the elevator and pressed the 'G' in the digit panel at the front. As the elevator door closed, all of a sudden weird feeling crept into her body. "I should call Bhai," mumbling she reached for the phone in her handbag.

BhaiJaan. She tapped on a name and then suddenly lights started to flicker above the head.
What's happening?" she asked in mind vaguely and then the elevator shook, leading lights flickered violently. Shriek escaped her mouth as another jolt hauled her toward the door, causing her phone to drop on the floor; The next second, the elevator went black. "Allah! Mercy!" She freaked out as on her knees she was searching blindly for her phone.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, the elevator doors slid open, and dismissing the search, she rushed outside.

Here another terrible scene was waiting for her. Each of the elevators was relinquishing people, with terror painted on their faces.  Another lot was darting downstairs with the same anxiety and uncertainty.

"Earthquake!" Mingled voices that were saddled with fear made her freeze on her spot, as she gawked at panicked people.

Not knowing quite what to do, her eyes brimmed with tears, People were blindly darting past her to save their lives. Suddenly she came upon the realization when someone yelled, "Run! Get out of the building!"
She pulled her handbag close to her chest and joined the mob dashing towards the exit.

The earthquake jiggled the city to its footings. It occurred as a full-throated blood-curdling rumble that shuddered one's very soul.

The streets were surging tides of terrified people.

The earth was continuously squirming as if it were an eddy on the sea.

Not a single jaw, wasn't dropped, at the dire situation. Fear and panic ensued as the ground shook up and down, making them lose balance, and reducing them to crawl. Not any buffer was safe for sanctuary. It looked like everything was going to abolish.

Another jolt...

People's screams were lost under the deafening noise like thunder. It seemed the next moment the earth would burst, blow up — and fly asunder.
Cracks appeared from the ground beneath.
The buildings that stood high there were rocking like a pendulum.
Most of the offices were situated in them, their occupants enmeshed into a grisly death by crushing.

Abeeza's head felt like a merry-go-round, spinning. She was looking close to death. Nowhere to hide, no way to run....death trap was planted everywhere.

Even the screams were high yet maximum dry lips chanting 'Kalmah Tayyaba.'

This time a deep rumble accompanied the turmoil as one of the building's top floors collapsed so that the rest of the floors had sunk to the level of the ground.

Some of the people, who were in direct range of the wreckage, lost their lives that instant. For a moment everyone was in an awkward halt at the terrible scene.

Subsequently, a full-blown stampede emerged as everyone ran blindly for their dear life, with no mind.

The massive rushing made the poor girl fall on her face. Squashed by the insufferable weight, her shrieks were unheard amidst the chaos.

The collapsed buildings were completely crumbled down in a heap of rubble. There were many in the cue.

Abeeza's mouth dried from all the screaming that she had carried on, Her body ached, her skin raw and red, her face puffy and she was bruised from front to back and top to bottom.
Before closing her eyes she recalled her loved ones for the last time.
"Baba...Mama! Any time soon I'm leaving. I love you both! Ya Allah, help!"

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