Chpater 3 ~ Kunan Shah

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It was a USB flash drive with an emblem stamped on its casing.

"Done!" Tina detached from the camera and handed it to Sheema with a cryptic smile.

"So slender!" Sheema commented victoriously like she just won the trophy. "Buttercream!" She uttered out of a rush of elation.

"Look, the nasty bruise on left thigh!" Tina denoted.

They were inspecting her like a greedy car buyer; like every single scratch lessens the worth and every additional feature gives a boom to the price.

"What has happened to her? All body is covered in bruises n scratches!" Tina couldn't interpret her very state, "she must be raped!" She finally gave a verdict.

"Virgin!" Sheema studied the squirming girl.... whose body turned very pale like every single drop of her blood has been drained.

"What you said? A virgin?" Tina knitting brows in confusion, "like really?"

"You heard it right. She hasn't warmed anyone's bed yet; Zero Meter!"

Disrobe. Crossing both of her arms on her front, knees drawn to her chest.

The golden ocean of her locks dispersed around her. She was like lifeless on the bed.

She could hear them talking and understood exactly what they were saying to each other, but she did not once turn her head, uttered no sound, no cry.

Her face cleared as a cloudless sky, though the actual expression of bewilderment and pain still hung in her doe eyes.

Sometimes life becomes a well, full of thorns! Her heart pained much for the terrible luck.

'May that ground gape and swallow me alive.' She wished so hard.

"What's your name girl?" Sheema asked as
shook up her bare shoulder but failed to elicit a response!
"Terrified!" Mumbling, She signaled Tina to resume the task.
"Ay ladki Apna naam bata chal...chal...jaldi bol! ( Hey girl tell me your name faster... c'mon tell)" Tina harshly squeezed her velvety arm where already bruise was prominent.
The amount of pain made no difference - she was devoid of a stir.

"Leave her Tina; see she's getting cold....." Sheema spoke, stroking the girl's golden river like hair, "I want to give her a little time to get over the initial shock," Sheema's voice had a hint of concern just like any household woman shows for the utensil that she won free in a spin the wheel game arranged in some superstore. "Tina, give her a mild shot of relaxant," Sheema ordered as she spread the duvet on the trembling girl.


The big clock in the tower ticked slowly...

By nightfall, the drizzle was still coming down with no promise of stopping. Water gathered in large puddles on the road.

His face had a starch stiffness as he accelerated the speed.
The car splashed through the puddles on the road causing water to spray around.

He turned his head to glance at the magazine that lay open on the passenger seat.

He felt bitterness in his mouth as he recalled the lines of her interview that were published in a HiFi magazine.

Interviewer: "What are your interests?"

She: "I'm interested in having a long long life that is full of love and, music, poetry, and of course my modeling career!"

Interviewer: "Very nice! What are your plans for the future?"

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