Chapter 15: The mud bath

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"The fu*k!" Kunan felt severe pain in his entire back down to his buttocks as he zipped down his pants against the toilet sink.

After emptying his bladder, "fu*king shit!" Zipping up his pants, the same excruciating pain made him cuss.

Waddling towards the washbasin area where mirrors were installed he threw himself on the counter. His low hung head now whirling. It was too heavy to be lifted.
Punching the counter with his right fist, he shook his head violently.

The "fu*king food poison!" He mumbled then glimpsed his abdominal area.
And the other second, retching like pregnant women he threw up all content his stomach was keeping inside.

After freshening his mouth with mouthwash, he trickled some water on his face for some relaxation.

Snatching a couple of paper towels from the roll above the sink, as he straightened up, "Argh!" The slaying pain shot in his butt again.

"What happened to my fu*king ass?" He growled to himself.

He then slowly removed his shirt and tried to locate any wound behind but nothing came into view. Then removing his pants and boxers he got all naked as when his mother bore him.

"Now!" He slightly turned his body against the mirror only to inspect the freaking pain point.

"Come on damn!" He cursed while struggling to catch his butt reflection with his hand on there. "Argh!" This is the bitch point." He tapped his finger on the upper area of his butt. It was swollen and solidified

"Tumor!" he thought to himself, "but how did it appear all of a sudden?"

He now with mild hands checking the point thoroughly, but startled at once when the point just throbbed.

Suddenly a spark of cognition flashed in his mind. "A chip....... A microchip!" He whispered to himself.

Just after a short while, he was revving up the engine of his car.

Thankfully the road at that time was nearly empty because he wasn't even thinking about any other thing except, "whodunit?!"

He continued his fast speed, passing all the cars on the highway.

"I'm bugged....fu*king fool Mr. Kunan is bugged." He shouted while whacking the steering wheel with his hands.

Then reaching the pocket of his blazer, he fished out his phone and tapped on a number.

After a few rings, the phone was picked up, "you still in your pharmacy?" He asked directly without wasting time in greetings.

"Yeah, bro?" Ahmer's stunned voice appeared from the other side of the phone.

"Just hang in there until I catch you!" He ordered then ended the call after hearing Ahmer's nasty reply, "ok, come I know my friend wants something sizzling!"

"Tampoon!" He cursed and raced the speed.

After half an hour:

"It was nicely done by someone like 007!" Ahmer spoke after rinsing his wound with alcohol. The microchip was out after a small cut he made into Kunan's skin.

"Have you heard about the serpent in the bosom? The idiom was formulated to describe people like you...Argh!" Kunan lectured him after hearing his praise for chip inserter.

Ahmer laughed and began massage slowly the broad spectrum ailing paste on his wound.

Kunan winced while Ahmer applied a bandage.

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