Chapter 4 - Depth of Sorrow

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"You dance so well!"

Man's voice shrank her heart. She was pushing the door with her milky hands...face had expressions like famished black panther is just after her, unleashed.

"Like a mermaid plays with the waves," he was taking slow steps in her direction, "gloriously nubile!" Man's voice was heavy with excessive amount of liquor intake.

A tear trickled the length of her face; crushing her lips badly, she gave a hard blow on the door, "auntie sheema, don't do this to me! Please open the door." She was begging, "for God's sake, open the door!"

"And interesting part, Sheema bitch was barking - hiding you from me.!" He laughed amusingly and Raniya quickened her blows.

"But anything impossible, is just possible for me; as soon as I thrust fat bone in her face, she pacified." A twinge of fear wound through her gut when she heard him just right behind her.

Strengthening her heart, she turned around to meet the man.
He neither young nor old, maybe seen nearly forty years, but stocky and powerfully built with prominent jawline and chin. His black hair had some hints of gray; thick moustache shading his upper lip. He's too alcoholic and nicotinic; the purplish shade of his bottom lip testifying that.

"Look, stay in your limits!" Pointing her index finger at him, "Sheema mislead you, I'm not that type of girl you are seeking for." She spoke in firm voice but never had a courage to meet that man's eyes.

"What type of girl you are then?" Slight ring of mockery in his tone. "I only dance here.... the thing I disgust so much..., but somehow I'm stuck in this profession.....please be kind to me ....leave the room this instant."
Raniya's voice shook and eyes glittered with heavy tears sailing inside.

He was beguiled by her beautiful form while seeing her dancing in party. She was complete package; pure elegance and womanly charms. Her every move accentuated her curves; with elasticity like rubber bands, she was good at stretching her limbs. Deep neck wasn't revealing the cleavage but the marvelous beauty came visible when he tapped on his imaginary button. 'Such ample pleasure, I would love personally discover.' He had signed there a secret resolution to himself.

"Impressive," His smile, managing to get through his thick moustache this time, broadened as though he was enjoying poor lass very much. Raniya more shrivelled against the door; her eyes widened, when he trapped her by placing his both hands on her either sides, "do you think, I'm such a noble person to leave you?" He whispered as he leaned over her.
Foul smell intruded in her system, and she pushed him back with her full force, "I said leave at once!" Screaming, she flew out of the cage of his arms.

"I think enough show of my soft side." He took long strides in her direction. She was backing away as he advanced. "No!" She yelled, "don't come near me." She looked around frantically anything for her defense. Heavy salt lamp on nightstand - a glass jewelry box on dressing table. But in her instant reach, there was a brass floor vase which she grabbed at desperately. "Freeze there! She shrieked, "I will kill you otherwise."

Man was suicidal, his features deformed by repugnant smile on her warning. "You've already killed me sweetly - now come and satisfy me wildly."

His steps thundered one after one, "I said stop," Raniya hoisted the vase as high as she could. He sneered, "look, I'm scared my mermaid!"

Raniya had no option left but attack, screaming, she threw that heavy vase at him. He was ready - just a flick move of a dodge and vase fell on floor with huge clattering sound.

"Bad aim!" He smirked as he took couple of steps in her direction. Raniya ran blindly across the room, like a little bird tries to escape the powerful snapping claws of an Eagle.

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