Chapter 1 Shinning Night, Blooming Day

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Night sky was suffused with thin, broken, fleecelice clouds, curtaining the ultimate glory of moon. But it was not sempiternal, they gradually driven with the wind, letting the moon to illustrate all the sky.
Not only sky but soothing beams travelled down humbly, whether slum or lofty towers, it graced city without sparing any corner.

Nature is so Just. It supplies all the blisses to mankind without any discrimination. But mankind is ungrateful from the day first. Mother can put discrimination in her children but Mother Nature not.

This was Elite area of the city, where opulent citizens have thousands yards of land in the name of residence. They are known as cultured, well educated. They're caretakers of their ancestral business and their offsprings studying abroad. Power sweeps in their house. Ministry waits for them to be born and they're raised in the lap of sovereignty.
Who is in vicinage and what is good neighborhood they have no concerns.

In the midnight in aforesaid area, a unicorn white Mansion with decorative lights was illuminating like an unkent gemstone. The round marbled pillars were glowing fluorescently.
It was like some celebration was going on.

Entering the wrought iron gate, at left side a cobblestone pavement had parallel parking slots, enough wide to allow a Land Rover's doors to open listlessly.
Nearly every slot was occupied with an extravagant vehicle parked in, for which owner must have paid a fortune.

A concierge with two heavy weight guards was posted on the entrance, like voluble spokesman he welcomed the Regents with classy notes.

He lets them enter the huge Burma teak wooden door to the hallway where mirror and opal light effects, exquisite paintings... make anyone remind umpteenth time that he is still in the real world. All the dreamy fascination, makes them feel like they're sojourned the realm of fantasy.

Going deeper, honorable guests land in lobby which is suffused with Rose's, Jasmine's and multiple fragraces, smoke puffs, clinking of bangles, jingling of seductive chuckles and meaningful laughters.

An attractive girl clad in beige colored embroidered silken dress with clinking her anklets comes forward, "adaab!" She flashes a smile before salute, louting low with her right hand fingers touching her forehead. She was escorting the honorable guests to the grand Hall.

Grand Hall has ultimate new Vista.
Pentagonal, spacious, trendy! With floor sitting arrangement. Oriental handmade carpet is soft like layers of liniment have covered the floor. Embellished velvet round pillows are waiting for your weight to be absorbed.
A Crystal Chandler is celestially hung from the dome like ceiling. Heavy red velvet drapes covering glass windows.

To the right side was a ten feet tall stone fire place that had a large crackling fire ablaze in it. Fireplace is tempered with aromatic herbs, oud and sandalwood. So, the warmth had alluring scents, that swirling around the interior.
A group of orchestra was present against the southern wall. Members were clad uniformly. Their faces opaque to show any kind of expression. No matter what giant personality arrives, they were paying no heed but to the specific things which were their instruments.

Finally Sheema emerged from behind the red velvet curtains at the Southeastern wall. In shimmering black Sari, she loitered in as her toes involuntarily trawling forward her Sari falls. While glancing at the guests, confirming the quorum she passed her signature smile with scrunched nose. Her youth had taken last breath but amazing part, she was still charged and amped up; her scanty blouse was testifying that. Round from every angle, she saunters more into the Hall to be seated.

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