Chapter 8: The Engagement

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The trolley cart rattled up and down the corridor giving off a variety of clanking.

Soon Raniya appeared at the door and behind her little Sheikhu came pushing the trolley inside the room.

"What happened here?" She was surprised to see their unusually mum faces. Sheikhu was on the other hand, without any impasse started pouring tea in mugs from the kettle and presented it to everyone. The trolley was loaded with snacks, as there was no dinner routine. Biscuits, samosas, potato flakes were daily items, but if someone has special demand, Sheikhu was bound to provide them. Girls use to take these refreshments if they would feel some hunger.

"Thank you Sheikhu," Raniya smiled at the boy who used to work untiringly.

As Sheikhu left the room, Reem slowly held the girl's arm, "come sit!"

Nella was still in her previous stance, and no one bothered to ask her to sit down.

The tea was very hot and very strong, Raniya could barely touch her tongue to it, then girl uttered.

"Since I am here, everyone seemed to know my whereabouts. Who I am, my name, my background....... Some misinterpreted my silence," she looked at Nella who was already staring at her. Removing her gaze from Nella, she peered through the steam coming out of her tea mug then taking a long depressed sigh, she continued,

"I am Abeeza, Abii, for my loved ones. Nightingale of Eden Villa! The one with the ideal family. Everything in my life was delightful. Not a single hint of misery around––"
She started slowly unfolding her story.

*Further, you will read in writer's pov.*

The celebration went on into the night with the first glimpse of Eid moon, Eden villa was flooding with joy. The arrival of Fareeha Phupoo (Aunt) with her son from the USA was like icing on the cake.

This Eid doubled their elation when Fareeha Phupoo revealed the special reason for her unexpected arrival.

Every face became an epic picture of pure excitement when Fareeha Phupoo asked her brother Waqar for his dearer to him than life daughter Abeeza's hand in marriage for her son.
Abeeza was in her mind since she saw her four years back at the wedding of her daughter Rida.

Who doesn't want a secure future for their offspring? Of course, each and everyone wants that! I must say mothers dream of such proposals for the radiant future of their daughters, as Ashhad was an excellent choice. He was not only highly qualified but also at a very plausible post in the World Bank. He was a man with tranquillity around him as his graceful nature added more charms to his personality.

Abeeza was the lovely daughter of Waqar Ali Khan and Nudrat Bano. They knew she won't go against her parents but still, it was her right to express her liking or disliking or whatever she feels.

Her heart throbbed fast with an unknown emotion when Zara Bhabi teased her so much with the name of Ashhad as she came to know her consent.

Rosiness imbued her cheeks as she hugged Zara, "please bhabi I don't want to go far away from you all!"

Shyly she rubbed her face on her shoulder; Zara was more like an elder sister to her. "Array budhoo, raaj kero gi raaj, bilkul shehzada hai Ashhad!"
Hearing Zara Bhabi her heart skipped a beat, as her long lashes swept down her cheeks.
"Bhabi, please!" Her voice was shaky yet bashful.

"Hmm," Zara knew her sister-in-law very well, she was one with a pure heart and a beautiful soul.

Patting on her back gently, she ceased her jest and said, "you are very lucky my doll, Phupoo nearly solicited for your hand, Ashhad is an ideal guy! Mama, Baba both are very happy. MashaAllah a cheerful life is waiting for you." Abeeza heard Zara; her voice ripest but enlightening. She tightened her arms around Zara as she felt a gush of love for her.

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