Bobby and Chibs were sitting outside on the picnic table in the sunshine drinking straight from the Jack Daniel's bottle and shooting the shit when Happy walked outside. 

"Bobby, Tig is on the prepaid," he said, handing him the phone.

Bobby looked at Chibs and then took the phone from Happy. 

"Tig, what's goin on?" Bobby asked. 

"I tried calling Jax, where is he?" Tig asked sounding frustrated. 

"I sent him home last night for some well needed family time," Bobby replied, "He will be in this afternoon. I have a feeling we will be getting him here sooner." 

"You better do that Bobby," Tig stated, "We have a bit of a problem here." 

"Tig, what the hell is going on?" Bobby demanded. 

"Well, I guess our princess decided she wanted to venture out on her own while we were asleep," Tig replied, "and she ventured right into Justin's trap. He destroyed the Escalade and shot out the tires and left a friendly little note saying "the bitch is mine assholes." 

Bobby grabbed the bottle of Jack off the table and threw it against the wall. 

"Damnit Tig, what the hell happened?" Bobby growled, "You were supposed to watch her!" 

"This was beyond anyone's control Bobby," Tig said defending himself, "She didn't think that stepping outside for a minute would be a big deal. No one can blame her for that. Bobby, I swear we were both paying attention. Not once did we see a black truck follow us at all." 

Bobby understood this, but at the same time, Peyton disappeared on their watch. 

"Well, see if anyone saw anything suspicious," Bobby said, sounding a little calmer, "Do whatever you can Tig and stay there until you hear from us." 

They said goodbye and Bobby hurled the phone against the wall.

"Bobby, what going on?" Chibs asked, standing up and walking towards him. Bobby looked up at him and tried his damndest to keep his emotions in check. He knew how much Peyton meant to Chibs and this news would absolutely destroy him. 

"Bobby, for Christ sakes," Chibs demanded, "What the hell is going on?" 

"She's gone Chibs," Bobby said quietly, unable to make eye contact with him. He loved Peyton and she was his only niece, but the bond between Peyton and Chibs was undeniable. He loved her like he loved his own daughter, Kerrianne, who lived back in Ireland with her mother. 

"What? Where is she?" Chibs asked angrily. 

"Justin got her," Bobby replied, sounding just as angry, "Tig and Juice paid close attention the whole way to Portland and they didn't see a black truck matching your description, follow them at all. He must've switched vehicles somewhere along the way." 

Bobby watched as Chibs' facial expression turned from one of anger to one of sadness and devastation. Bobby knew it was futile to try and talk sense into him when he was in this state. Bobby watched as Chibs turned and walked into the clubhouse without uttering another word.

Chibs sat at his spot at the table and let the angry tears fall. They had just gotten Peyton back and now she had been taken away from them again. 

Ever since he met her when she was 12, both of them got pretty attached to each other. Her father wasn't around a lot because of his business and she missed her father all the time. Bobby helped as much as he could, but where he couldn't that's where Chibs would step in. 

Peyton spent a lot of her time at the clubhouse and whenever she was sad, down, or even happy, she would turn to Bobby, Tig, but mostly Chibs. Sometimes she would need someone to talk to and she just wasn't comfortable talking about certain things with Jax or with her all time best friend, Opie. 

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