-Your words comforts me, Andy, thank you so much".

-Anytime, everything is gonna be okay jen, just wait".

I hugged him and smiled, honestly ibwas feeling better when I talked to him, he lift my spirits.

No one's pov
-Okaaaay that's great", Victoria mumbled when she finished doing a new design.

She grabbed her phone and start scrolling on instagram, seeing some beautiful pictures and liking her fav celebrities's, suddenly she heard a knock on the door.

-Come in!".

-Miss Arrias There are some students out asking you for an interview for their project in school, what do you say?", Flora spoke politely

-It's okay let them in", she said taking a sip of her coffee.

Flora nodded with a smile and let the students in the office.

-Good morning ma'am!", they said in one voice.

-Good morning kids, come on in take a sit", she said with a beautiful smile on her face.

-Thank you so much ma'am".

-You're welcome, what can i get you? Sodas, snacks, juices? Anything you want?", she offered

-We want cold water please", one of the students replied, and she nodded and phoned flora to order.

-I'm Sara and this is Maggie and Taylor we are from the university of Alberta. thank you so much for having us, and we'd like to ask you some questions which are important for us to know cause we are working on our graduation project, hope you don't mind doing an interview with us", the young girl spoke politely.

-Aha good! You seem to be hardworking students, and yeah it's a pleasure of corse I don't mind".

-The pleasure is all ours ma'am".

-Okay, go ahead I'm ready to answer your questions girls".

-Alright Miss Arrias, let's start with the questions".

Q : Why are you in business?".
V.A: well since i was a child, i had the dream of being a businesswoman. The idea comes to my mind when I saw a movie that was about management, marketing, banks, money, and so many other stuff, you probably know them because you're studying business and yeah, that movie inspired me a lot and I was so impressed by it, I told my family that I'll work hard to be like this woman on tv, powerful rich smart strong and successful. And here i am, I realized my dreams and become The Woman Of My Dreams".

Q : How did you get started in this business?".
V.A: Well at first, i was working as an assistant of a Director. With time and hard work, I was promoted to a higher position which enabled me to have more experiences and then got me to start my independent career and my own business which I worked days and nights to develop it.

Q : What is your business about ? And how did you choose it?".
V.A: Our company is specialized in designing home decorations, I chose this field because I'm into designing and drawing and everything related to art and this is what helped me succeed in this field, you know when you love something, you give your best to make it great, love is important. We also have a monthly magazine and i represent everything we have in it so that people see it and have an idea about what we can offer.

Q : Do you do marketing for you business?".
V.A: of course we do, Marketing helps a lot in representing our profession, like I said we have a magazine that is one of our marketing tools, including advertisements, and so many other things".

Q : Do you have employees ? What kind ?".
V.A: Absolutely yeah, precisely we have teams, a team of designers, a team of architects, team of Marketers, team of reporters, a team of IT experts and leaders for each team".

Q : Did you faced problems while building your business?".
V.A : of course there were a lot of ups and downs, but the important thing is that i kept pushing hard until i achieved my purposes".

Q : Give us some advices on how we can do the same thing you did to achieve our goals?".
V.A : First of all you have to believe in yourselves and work harder and don't listen to people who try to drag you down or lower your spirits, focus and focus and focus on your goals and you'll get what you want.

-Thank you so much Miss Arrias, it was great to talk to you ,and you really gave us positive vibes, we are really impressed by you, it's such a pleasure ma'am, i wish that we could be like you one day".

-You'll ! if you followed my advices, and I'm here to help you in anything you want", she said smiling

-Can we take a picture with you?", they asked politely making Victoria smile

-Sure c'mon", she smiled to the girls who stand behind her to take the selfie.

-Wow ! It looks so nice, look", one of the girls spoke showing her the picture.

-Haha yes you girls are gorgeous".

-And you are stunning miss Victoria", one of the girls said with a happy expression on her face.

-Well now excuse me girls, i have some stuff to do, our interview is over", she said politely and they nodded smiling

-Thank you so much ma'am, have a nice day", they said leaving the office.

Victoria was in a good mood that day, she met Mary and hang out with her, they went to Victoria's place to chill, she also told her about Dana's case and she accepted to recruit her.


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