The Game~One-Shot for LilDLuvsU

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Hi, Diana I am sososososo sorry for doing this so late. But I hope you like it!


"WON AGAIN! IN YOUR FACE!" I screamed my victory against Mortal Kombat at my brother. He just threw his controller across the room and sulked away.

"IM just getting started" I screamed as I turned on Xbox Live, ready to pound my next opponent.

The name @NicholiciousICON came up as I kid I would be facing. I turned on the headphones, ready to surprise him with my femininity.

"Bro, you really wanna face me as a girl? All the girls on this game suck man!" He said to me, meanwhile I was stifling a laugh and whopping his a**

I won the first round and smiled at my victory.

"Sometimes girls are better than you think" I laughed into the microphone, just imagining the look on his face.

"I-I am so-sorry" he stuttered.

"Don't worry dude, it's cool" I said back, making him laugh.

"The names Nick" he said while giving my avatar an uppercut in the game.

"Im Diana" I exclaimed while jumping and putting a knife into the kids head, making me the victor.

"Rematch?" He asked. And that was how it all started.


1 month later

I smiled as the name popped up on the screen. Nick and I have been playing against each other almost everyday since we first met.

It wasn't all about the game with him. Most of the time we would pause it and talk for hours and hours on end, about our lives and back stories.

I learned all about his passion for dance and his fame, and I was honestly impressed. And im REALLY hard to impress.

I have fallen for the boy without even seeing what he looks like, which must mean the love is true.

I know the town where he lives, which happens to be the same town as mine. We go to the same school and everything and the boy still hasn't put two and two together, and im not going to tell him.

-school the next day-

I walked into my new math class to states from every kid in the room. Me? I was looking into the eyes of my new classmate, Nick Mara. I was trying to see any hint of emotion or anything. Anyway of knowing that we were meant to be.

"Kids, this is Diana. She transferred up from Algebra 1 to Geometry. Everyone say hi" the teacher said in a monotone before pointing me to my new seat, next to the one and only Nick Mara.

"Hi my name is Nick Mara" he said politely with a smile.

"Believe me, I know" I whispered, barely audible. But he heard it, and it was like a light bulb went off in his head. My voice must've triggered it, stupid me.

"Di?" He asked, a shocked expression across his face. I knew this was going to happen, he doesn't like me. IM too ugly.

I looked away and didn't dare look back until the bell rang, I darted out of class, hoping to get home before my tears started to spill.

"Diana!" I heard a scream but I just kept on walking, pulling my sweater closed as the wind whipped across my body. I was soon grabbed and whipped around to face Nick.

"Nick I don't-" I was cut off by his lips being pressed to mine. I just melted into him, like everything in me was depending on those lips.

"Diana, I finally won the best thing of all, your heart"

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