4th Grade Crush~Madison Alamia One-Shot for GRAND_ICONiac

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“Madison, someone’s at the door!” Mrs. Alamia called up to her son. I still cant believe I am working on a science project with THE Madison Alamia.

I was at a loss for words when he came down the staircase. I still get like this whenever hes around, and ive known him since preschool.

“Hey, Erin. Are you ready to work?” He asked. I just nodded, unable to speech.

We walked into the living room and sat down. I took out all the supplies and stuff we needed to make the poster of the inside of the cell.

“Okay, so all we have to do is just draw it out then color it in” I internally smiled at my ability to use words again.

“Awesome, lets get to work!” He said back, smiling at me.

We worked for a few hours while we talked and laughed. I opened myself up to Madison, and I really hope he likes me back, because Ive liked this kid since before the ICONic Boyz.

“Bye, Mad, I had a great time” I said while I walked out the door. He just waved at me. Yup, he doesn’t like me.

“WAIT ERIN!” I turned around to see he was right behind me, making us smash into each other.

“Whats up Mad?” I said after I regained my balance.

“I just wanted your number” I programmed my number into his phone, and walked home, smiling the whole way.

When I got back home, i felt my pocket vibrate, indicating I had received a text.

From: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Hey Erin, its Madison(:

From: Erin

Hey Mad, whats up?

From: Madison!

Look outside your window.

I walked outside my room onto my balcony to see Madison standing there, smiling at me. I walked down the stair to the grass, completely confused.

“Madison, why are you here?” I asked sweetly so he didn’t get the wrong idea. I wanted him here, I just didn’t know the reason why he was here.

“Because theres something I have to tell you” He said as he looked into my eyes.

“I tried to tell you this right before you left my house, but the words wouldn’t come out. So now im going to tell you what I have been holding in for a LONG time” He said. I just waited, what could it be?

“Ive fell head over heels for you in 4th grade Erin, and I haven’t stopped loving you since” He said. I just stood there, unable to talk for the second time today.

“I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend?” He looked so nervous. I wonder why? Oh yeah, it was because I haven’t said anything yet.

I just shook my head yes. He enveloped me in a bear hug. I am finally dating my 4th grade crush.

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