Not What I Expected~One Shot for GabbieBieber99

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Hey, I wanted to do a big shoutout to Gabbie. She really helped me and explained to me not to make such a rash decision.


Gab, im really glad we became friends. Here your one shot(:


Madison. Madison. Madison. That was all that was going through my mind at the moment. It was 5 hours until I see him and Mikey live in Brick New Jersey.

“GABBIE!” I shot up my head to see the teacher and the whole class staring at me.

“What?” I absentmindedly said back.

“I asked you what the answer to the equation was 5 minutes ago” God, I hate her.

“Now on this end of the ruler is an idiot.” She pointed the ruler straight at me. This was my chance for payback.

“Which end?” The whole class erupted into laughter while Mrs. Ambrose’s face just kept getting redder.


~4 hours later~

“You can be doing this to me mom! Ive been waiting for this for WEEKS!” I screamed at my mother, who looked like she was about to blow her top.

“That is the fifth time this year you’ve been sent to the principal. Actions have consequences Gabriella.  Now go upstairs and think about what you have done in your room.”

I ran up the stairs, locked myself in the room, and plopped onto my bed. I screamed into the pillow until I heard a tap at my window.

I opened it up and looked to see that my best friend Krissy scaled the tree to my room somehow.

“its time to go!!” She was so excited.

“Kris, I already told you, im grounded.”

“No. you are not missing this. Were breaking out.” And with that she pulled me out the window and onto the branch. We climbed down the tree and hopped into her brothers car.

“Backstage passes ladies” he said, passing the tags to us. Im finally going to meet Madison.


We got out of the car and made our way to the stage, showing the security guard our tags. Once we got in I saw the most beautiful creature standing right in front of me.

“Hi im Madison” he said and pulled me and Krissy into a hug. We kept our fangirling to a minimum.

“Madison, show time bro” Mikey came up behind him and waved hi to us. Madison walked away but turned back to wink at me. Weird.

They successfully went through Sweat, Rain, and Glitter and now was the time they called someone up to dance with them to 5 Star Rating.

“So today, I would like to call up a special girl who I just met a moment ago.” He looked at me and beckoned me to come on stage. I did as told.

We danced together and he pulled me close. We looked into each others eyes and it was like the rest of the world just disappeared.

He started to lean in and then kissed me. The crowd erupted into cheers. Not what I expected.

But this was way better.

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