" So you're moving in with him now?" I whipped my head towards the door to see Bae holding the bag of Chinese food.

" After everything he's done to you, your going to move in with him?" He asked, his voice getting louder.

I stood up and walked over to him," Bael, I know how this must seem, but you don't understand-"

" Oh, I understand perfectly. Go ahead and live with him, but when he hurts you again don't come running back." He snapped setting the food down on the bed and leaving. The four slammed shirt and there was silence over taking the room.

What if Bael was right, what if Harry does do something and I don't want to be with him anymore? Yet again, what else can he do to hurt me, I've been through the most already.

" Sam, are you alright? Are you having second guesses about moving in?" Harry was next to me now, seeing if I would change my mind after what Bael said.

I looked at him and smiled," No. I still want to move in with you." I wrapped my arms around his neck, his arms instinctively going around my waist.

Since we were moving in together I didn't know if Harry and i were officially together or if he was just helping out a friend. So I decided to ask.  "Harry?"

" Yeah babe?" He asked looking down at me.

" Are we, -um-?"  He chuckled, making my cheeks go red.

" I had a feeling you were going to ask that. " I smiled nervously, "Sam, will you be my girlfriend?"

For the first time in my life, hearing those words have me the love to fill my once empty heart. And as I nodded and kissed him, I didn't feel like a dead zombie as before. 


" Are you ready to see the house?" Harry asked excitedly, smiilng from ear to ear. Nodding, he opened the door revealing the beautiful home he claimed to have already had before asking me to move in with him.

The two hour drive from the Institute to Los Angeles was amazing. After the argument between Bael and I, Harry excused himself so he could go outside and talk to the head doctor about me leaving. I was alone in the room to collect my belongings and began packing my books and the small amount of clothes i really had.

What seemed like forever, but was really 20 minutes, Harry reappeared holding a clipboard and a pen. He handed it over to me and explained how i eeded to sign it for my official release of this place. I happily did so and he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

The second Harry came back to help load some of the baby things into a large moving truck he had asked for, i stayed inside the oom. Helping him by handing him some boxes, i didn't want to come out of the room yet.

The only thoughts running through my head was how i was finally leaving this room that i had been kept in for so long. Almost 5 months i've been held in here and i was able to leave, not only that, but i'm able to leave with Harry to his house. Our house.

" You ready?" he asked holding my hand behind the double doors of the facility. Squeezing his hand in comfort and nervousness, i nodded. He gave me a quick peck then we stepped outside.

The brightness of the sun blinded me for a second. The cold breeze i thought i would never feel again gave me goosbumps against my warm skin. The smell of faint barbeque filled my nose making me immediately hungry. Harry hugged me from behind, giving me a moment to relish the outside world i've been kept from experiencing . 

In this moment i felt like everything was coming together after having so much bad things happened. His face appeared in my mind momentarily and i pulled away from Harry quickly. My hands immediately going to my head. The memories were coming back.

" Sam? Are you alright?" Harry asked standing in front of me now.

I opened my eyes and stared at him. It was just Hary, it was fine. I was safe. He's my safe haven.

" Yea. I-i'm fine." i smiled, he sighed in relief. He hugged me and the smell of him engulfed my senses. It gave me a sense of safety and comfort.

We got into his car, the moving truck in tow. The whole way to L.A. Hary and i talked nd laughed at absolutely nothing and eveything. At times i would look out the wondow and admire the trees i hadn't seen in so long. The bright green leaves high up on the dark brown branches, the trees moving slightly a every bit of wind rustling through. The many houses and people walking outside of their houses being permanently engraved in my brain.

I slept too when we were on the highway, the sound of rushing cars and Harry's humming to the music on the radio. Our hands entwined the whole way there. The sound of horns honking woke me up and i recieved a sense of dejavu all over again.

The time after i had went to the boys' meet and greet, i was listening to their song ' Something Great'  in traffic. It was raining and the sound of the horns honking when my phone rang and the stranger called me, turning out to be Liam. If i had known it was him before, and how we were such best friends at a young age. Only if i knew who the other stranger was i had talked to that one other time.

Now, here standing in Harry's and i's house, i knew that all the doubts i had growing up vanished. Because i was just a girl with a dream and a sketch pad. I've come along way since my small house in Bakersfield.

Harry took me to the living room where the large flat sccreen was and he turned it on. The first thing that came on was the celebrity news.  The first thing i noticed was Harry and i outside him hugging me from behind.

" Is Harry and his mystery girl on their way to becoming a family? Stay tuned, and find out the scoop."


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