Running interference

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I strolled out of my room, hunting for food. I let the smell guide me. Ooh, biscuits and gravy, bacon, waffles, and so much more. It's like a buffet for a food lover, and I love my food.

As I made my way to all things food, I saw Shady McShady. What the hell was he doing? I strolled towards the douche, whistling. I noticed cheese dick watching Dante and Greta. Ooh, he was planning something naughty, and that's not cool.

It's time to run interference with a douchebag. I opened a door and threw my arms up in the air, exclaiming loudly, "There you are!"

People stopped and looked at me. Chad looked at me with disgust. I walked over most gaily.

"I can't believe you slept me and left! Am I just a toy to you?" I wailed.

"What? I'm not gay!" Chad declared. People looked at us, stunned.

"That's not what you said when you screamed my name last night!" I yelled.

Chad walked over to me and whispered, "Stop it. You're embarrassing me. I don't know what your game is, but I'm not playing."

I leaned and whispered, "Fuck with my sister, and it won't be a game."

Chad's eyes widened, and I grinned. I looked at everyone. "By the way, this guy sucks in bed," I announced, then walked away - checkmate.

I went to the dining hall and loaded my plate with all things delicious. I heard arguing and turned to see a chick arguing with her brothers. She stormed over to the plates and snatched one, tossing food on it.

"Hey, what did that food ever do to you?" I asked, looking at the chick.

"It's food," the girl said with a strange look.

"And it should be treated with deliciousness. We must savor every bit. Let me show you," I said, putting a strip of bacon into my mouth and moaning.

"That's disturbing, yet hot at the same time," the girl mentioned.

"Because I enjoy my food," I said, grinning like an idiot.

"Sherry," the girl introduced herself.

"Hans," I greeted her.

"Want to sit together so that I don't get stuck with my dipshit brothers?" Sherry asked me.

"Is chocolate a legume?" I asked.

"What?" Sherry asked me, confused.

"Chocolate comes from the cocoa bean. Beans are considered legumes, hence making chocolate a legume," I explained.

Sherry looked at me, stunned as I walked to a table. Why does this surprise people that I know stuff? I know there is no such thing as germanise or any ridiculous thing. I'm not an idiot; I enjoy messing with Dante. Yeah, I enjoy the magic stick, but I excelled in school. Shocker, isn't it?


I got out of the water and wrung out my hair. I had to admit that I had fun, then noticed Chad staring at me. Dante emerged from the water and walked over to me.

"What's wrong?" Dante questioned me.

I turned and looked at Dante. "Nothing," I lied. I didn't need Dante to fight with Chad and lose my job.

"Let's get changed and grab some food," Dante suggested, walking away from me.

I picked up my coverup and pulled it over my head, then jumped. Chad stood in front of me.

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