Why me?

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I hurried off Dante and stood up. He followed suit as I stood there.

"Fancy meeting you here," Dante mentioned with a smirk.

"I can't say the same," I replied.

Dante looked down, noticed the bag of edibles, and picked them off the floor. He held up the bag to me.

"I think you forgot something," he said, holding the bag in his hand.

I snatched the bag from his hand and shoved it into my purse.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"Yo, Dante!  What up, my man?" Diego yelled.

"I came for some treats, but I think I found one," Dante answered, still looking at me.

I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Why don't you give it up?  You fell for me. It's clear as day," Dante remarked.

"I would rather fall in a tank of piranhas," I retorted.

"Piranhas bite, but so do I," Dante said, winking at me.

I became annoyed quickly. Why must every guy make sexual remarks?

"Take that frown and turn it upside down," Dante said, using his fingers to push the corners of my mouth up. "See, much better, then you won't develop wrinkles," he added.

I smacked his hands away.

"Ooh, feisty, I like it," Dante flirted.

"What is wrong with you?" I questioned, crossing my arms.

"Nothing is wrong with me, sweet cheeks. You need to lighten up before that vein that's popping out in your forehead pops," Dante told me, pressing his finger to my forehead.

I slapped his hand away.

"Why must you touch me?" I huffed.

"Why not? It's not like I'm groping you, which is inappropriate in so many ways unless you want me to grope you. Ladies' choice," he answered smirking.

I could feel my left eye twitch.

"My choice is to leave," I said, walking away. I had enough of this idiotic boob. All I want to do is go home, watch some movie, enjoy my treat before Hans gets back and steals them.


I chuckled, watching Greta scurry out of the bakery. I swear that girl is so uptight. I'm sure if you put a piece of coal up her ass, she would produce a diamond. She reminds me of Andrew and his neurotic behavior.

I walked over to the counter.

"I see you're at it again," Diego mentioned.

"Nah, I'm having fun, and that girl needs fun," I mentioned.

"Isn't that the truth?" Hans mentioned, bringing out a tray with edibles and putting them in a case.

"What's Greta's deal?" I asked Hans.

"My sister has this weird-ass idea that all men are scum and put to death," Hans answered, placing bags into a case.

"That's a little harsh, don't you think?" I asked. "What about you? You're a guy."

"Yeah, but I'm her brother and twin. Greta has to love me. It's a sibling code," Hans said.

"What about liking you?" I questioned.

Greta Meets The Big Bad WolfWhere stories live. Discover now