The fairytale books

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After dealing with Hans's crazy encounter and sending some women away, we went to get something to eat. We found an outdoor restaurant and sat down at the table, then ordered food.

"How is it you let your dick think for you? Because you sure weren't thinking for yourself," I told Hans.

Dante laughed.

"Unlike other people sitting at this table," Hans said, looking at the four of us, "It's been a while since I put the sausage in the bun."

Belle spits out her drink as Damien facepalmed himself. Dante laughed more.

"And you picked the craziest woman on the face of the earth. Good job," I remarked, rolling my eyes.

"A guy has needs. It doesn't matter if the chick is crazy or not. Crazy chicks are the best sex ever," Hans reasoned.

"You're an idiot," I commented.

"It's true. Damien and Dante can testify," Hans declared.

I looked at Dante, who rolled his eyes.

"Is it true?" I asked Dante.

"You're not trapping me into discussing my past, gumdrop," Dante answered, smirking.

Damn it.

"My past is my past. Let's leave it dead and buried, shall we?" Dante added.

"Okay, but have you been with many women?" I asked.

"Do you mean, do I have experience? Yeah, I do, but unlike num nuts here, I told women where I stood," Dante told me.

"I see," I said.

"Is this a fight?" Belle asked us.

We looked at Belle curiously.

"Damien said that when you discuss someone's past, it's a fight," Belle mentioned.

"Didn't you ask Damien about his past?" I asked Belle.

"No," Belle replied truthfully.

"Why not?" I questioned.

"Because it doesn't matter to me. Damien treats me with kindness and love. Most people think I'm naive, and maybe I am, but I believe that when someone loves you, their past shouldn't matter," Belle answered.

"Aren't you curious about Damien?" I asked.

"No, because when I met Beast, he was sad. He lived in this enormous house alone without family and friends. When a friend visited, it worried Beast that I would leave him alone. Loneliness can shatter a person's heart and make them feel unlovable," Belle explained.

"What made you stay?" I asked.

Everyone looked at Belle.

"Because I saw his heart," Belle replied, smiling.

I looked at Dante, who looked at me. I allowed my past to affect my happiness. Dante didn't have to come with me, but he did.

"That's so beautiful," Hans said, blowing his nose.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"What are we doing about Chad?" Damien asked.

"Oh, don't worry about King Douche. I got plans for him," Hans mentioned.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"You'll see tomorrow at the expo," Hans said, grinning. The food arrived. "Ooh, food," Hans said, digging into his meal.

Greta Meets The Big Bad WolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora