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Beyonce POV

I just can't get what Ray said. Why would he think that Kelly wants to kill me? That just doesn't make any sense.

"What up best friend," Kelly greeted me as she entered my office and made herself comfortable on the chair in front of my desk.

"Hey," I said slowly drifting off to space.

"Beyonce!" Kelly yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts. "What's eating you up sis?"

I sighed. "Its Ray. After you left yesterday, he kept on saying you want to kill me."

Kelly's demeanour changed. "Why would I do that?" She asked clearly confused. "Don't tell me you believe what he's saying."

I shrugged. "All I'm saying he kept on telling me that," I said and I swallowed hard. "Just out of curiosity though... Is he right?" I asked lowly.

I know I shouldn't be asking this but I just have to know.

She chuckled bitterly. "Hold up. You really believe I'm capable of killing you?" She scoffed. "Unbelievable. I'm out of this office and this conversion," she said getting up.

"Kelly, I'm sorry. Come back," I said and she stopped in her tracks. "Let's talk please," I said lowly.

She rolled her eyes and came back to her seat. "You lucky you pregnant and you can use them pregnancy hormones as an excuse for your shitty question," she spat.

I deserved that.

"I'm sorry Kelly. Its just when Ray said you are trying to kill me. I just don't know what got into me," I said.

"Look Bey, you are like a sister to me. I'll never do anything to hurt you. I love you sis and I'll take a bullet for you sis. I owe you my life since you're the one that got me this job. I had nothing and you were there for me and because of that, I'll forever be in debt to you," she said warmly. "Now tell me, would I try to kill my own sister?"

She's right. What was I even thinking? Kelly will never try to kill me.

I leaned closer to her. "Then why would Ray say all of that?"

"That's what I'm also trying to figure out," she said staring into space pensively. Her eyes then widened. "Eureka! I got it!" She said.


"I think I know why Ray thinks I want to kill you," she said. "Whenever we joke around with each other like when you take a piece of my bacon, I always say 'I'm going to kill you Beyonce'. Now I'm just spit balling here. Ray must have taken that seriously," she said.

She's right. Ray is still a child so he takes everything you tell him seriously.

"That explains it but it still doesn't explain his impulsive behavior," I said lowly.

"Bey...do you think Ray has...bipolar disorder?" Kelly said lowly.

I was afraid she might say that.

I sighed. "Let's not jump to any conclusions imma first have to talk to Shawn into taking Ray to a psychiatrist," I said.

"Okay then. Imma head out and get to work," she said standing up and coming to me. "Don't get too worked up mama bear. Stay calm for the baby," she said rubbing my belly then she left.

Kelly POV

Beyonce is so easy. Her pregnant ass thinks with her heart and not her mind. She considers feelings greater than her thoughts.

Right now, I had to get Ray off my back. That boy is smarter than I thought. I underestimated him and his abilities but that'll be over soon. I'll make sure that boy gets labelled as crazy or at least get him off my hair until we execute our plan.

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