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Shawn POV

Beyonce laid her feet on my lap as we sat on the bed. Ray cuddled close to Beyonce as he took a nap and Beyonce ran her fingers through his curls. I love having alone time with my family.

We've already packed our bags. We're just waiting on everyone to be done so we can go to the airport and fly back home in my private jet.

We sat on the bed and my phone pinged.

Rihanna: Can we please meet up 2moro?

Shawn: Why? I told u that we are never ever getting back together

Rihanna: Can we plz meet up

Shawn: Fine...

Rihanna: Thank u. Imma come around lunch to ur office

I wonder what does this crazy lady want from me?

"Baby," I heard Bey. "What do you think we're having?" She said rubbing her belly.

I smiled as I placed my hand on her belly. I still can't believe imma have my own mini-me. "I don't care what we're having. I just want my munchkin to be healthy," I said.

"Your son is so determined that we're having a girl," she said.

What will happen if we're having a boy? Ray would be crushed.

"BeyBey, can you please come help me with something my dearest big sister," Solange said as she entered our room.

Bey rolled her eyes. "I'm busy," she said.

Solange arched her eyebrow. "Busy with what?" She asked. "Beyonce please come," she said warmly.

Beyonce sighed. "Fine, help my pregnant self up," she said.

Solange helped her up and they got out of the room.

I shook Ray to wake him up. "Come and help me with something," I said and I picked him up so we can get started.


"Bey, can you please come with me," I said entering the room Solange was sleeping in.

"Why?" She whined as she sat on the bed. "Its not easy going up and down with your child growing inside of me," she said.

I came over to her and helped her stand up then I kissed her. She came closer and she deepened the kiss.

"Oh my gosh," Solange said. "Imma head out and give you love birds some privacy," she said getting out.

We continued our make out session then Bey broke the kiss. "That came out of nowhere," she said looking deep into my eyes.

Damn I love this woman.

"I just wanted to taste your sweet lips my boo," I said. "Let's go," I said holding her hand.

I guided her downstairs and we went outside.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

I smiled. "You'll see. Let's go," I said.

I held her hand as we went to the beach.

"What is Ray doing over there?" She asked pointing at him.

We got closer and Ray was there. He had on short, black pants. A white short sleeve shirt with a black bow tie. He stood next to a small round table with rose pedals made into a heart shape. There laid a heart shaped box of chocolates next to the heart. At the centre there laid a small velvet box.

"What are you doing her baby?" Bey asked Ray.

"Read this. Daddy wrote it for you. Read it out loud please," he said warmly as he handed her a card.

She opened it and read it out loud. "When you're here in my arms. I feel love I can breathe. Not even pinching myself, I don't care. I'm with you, you're with me. I never wished on a star because the stars ain't got nothing on me coz I can wish you in my dreams. When I close my eyes I feel like I'm alive coz I can fall asleep knowing that tonight you'll be here with me. Let me know if this is a dream then I don't wanna know coz I ain't about to be without you babe. Let me know if this is a dream then I ain't letting go coz everything I love is about you babe. I think the luckiest man in this world could be me. I get to be with the one I love anytime I please. I feel like I can stay forever beyond eternity. Its like I'm where I'm supposed to be. I love you so much Bey," she read with now tears streaming down her cheeks.

"That's not even the best part," Ray said.

"Not the time son," I said face palming myself.

"Don't look at me. You knew what you were doing when you picked me," he said with his hands up in defeat.

This child.

I then pulled Bey into a hug then I wiped her tears.

"I love you Bey," I said sincere. "You don't know how much you mean to me," I said then I reached down and took the small velvet box.

"Good luck," Ray whispered as I took it.

I got down on one knee and opened it, revealing the diamond ring.

I heard Bey gasp. I looked at her smiling. "Every time I look at you, I wonder what I did to deserve such an angel in my life. You are amazing and I truly appreciate you. The funny thing about this ring in this box is that I bought it the first week we started dating. I knew then I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I can never overemphasize the way I love you. For me to go down on one knee today, I had to get permission from Ray to marry his mother and he agreed. I had to seek blessings from him because you're his mom and he loves you more than life itself. Right now I want to ask you. Will you marry me?" I said.

She nodded with tears streaming down her cheeks. "Yes. I'll marry you," she said.

I got up and put the ring on her finger. I hugged her and kissed her passionately.

"Congratulations mommy," Ray said.

"Thank you baby," she said.

We then walked back into the house and went to the living room where everyone sat.

"She said 'yes'!" Ray yelled excitedly as he entered.

"Wait, y'all knew about this?" Bey asked.

Matthew came to us. "I'm happy for you baby. I'm so sorry about the hurtful things I said before. I love you," he said bringing her into a hug.

"Thank you dad. I love you too," she said.

Matthew looked at me. "Take care of my daughter for me. I trust you with her and my grandson," he said.

"Will do," I said smiling.

We all headed to the airport. Bey sat on my lap the entire time in the jet.

"I love you," she said and she kissed me passionately.

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