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Beyonce POV

"I saw you blushing and all as you were speaking to Mr Carter," Kelly said as we finally left the building and called it a day.

I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know what you are talking about," I said walking past her. I felt her grabbing my arm then pulling me back.

I sighed.

"Girl, don't play with me now," she said as she turned me to face her. "Your cheeks were all red and shit," she said chuckling.

"OK fine," I sighed. "He's cute. Happy?" I said trying to walk away but she pulled me again.

"Spill the tea," she said smiling.

What tea? There is literally nothing to tell. I just sort off, maybe, possibly have a crush on Shawn.

"I'm kinda crushing on him," I said lowly as I bit my bottom lip.

Kelly simply laughed.

"Fuck crushing on him," she said. "You like him don't you?" She said smiling sinisterly.

"Look, I think he's cute and that's all. I don't like him that way plus he has a girlfriend," I said. "Now let's go, my son is waiting for his mommy," I said walking away.

We both got in our separate cars and drove off.

Shawn POV

I watched as Beyonce drove off in her Mercedes. I couldn't help but smile.

"Wipe that smile off your face. Its annoying," Rihanna said with an attitude.

I'm about four-five seconds from cussing her out. She's being such a bitch. As a matter of fact, she's been a bitch for a while now and I can't take it any more.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked getting closer to her. "What's with this bitch attitude?"

She scoffed as she crossed her arms. "What the fuck you smiling for? Are you looking at Beyonce? You wanna get in her panties now?" She said sounding agitated.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Look, I'm about getting sick and tired of your crap. First it was you wishing to redecorate my club and now this," I said sternly.

"I saw how you and her were talking. You were basically flirting in front off me," she said.

She's just being melodramatic. We weren't flirting. She does this every time I talk to another female and its getting annoying.

"What's wrong with you?" I spat.

She slapped me across my face. "Don't 'what's wrong with you' me. You want to fuck her just like you fucked Ciara!" She yelled.

Here we go again with the Ciara bullshit. How many times must I tell her that I never fucked her. I told her countless times that someone must have spiked my drink. My body became numb and my vision became blurry. I sat down on the couch and next thing I know, Ciara was all over me. I tried pushing her away but my body was so weak.

"How many times should I tell you that I never fucked her!" I yelled back. "Someone spiked my drink!"

She rolled her eyes. "Don't give me that bullshit Shawn. I saw everything and now you want to fuck Beyonce don't you?" She spat.

I took in a deep breath. "I can't deal with your insecurities right now. Nothing happened between Ciara and I," I said calmly.

"Then why did you apologize saying you'll never cheat on me?" she said with one hand on her hip.

I sighed.

"What the fuck was I suppose to do? You basically forced me to apologize for something I didn't do," I said. "I told you, someone spiked my drink and Ciara took advantage of that."

I then walked off. I heard clanking of heels as they hit the ground. I knew she was following me.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going? To fuck Ciara?" she said as she stood in front off the door to the drivers seat.

This woman is driving me nuts. She's too much. How did I even end up with her in the first place?

"I can't be in a relationship with someone who doesn't trust me," I said.

"Fine then. I guess we shouldn't have a relationship then. We're through," she spat as she got out of my way.

"Fine by me," I said as I got in my car. I opened my window. "I bid you adieu ex-girlfriend," I spat as I started my car and left her.

Unknown POV

I watched as Rihanna and Shawn end their relationship in the parking lot.

If only they knew that I was the one who spiked Shawn's drink that night. I made sure that Rihanna was around to witness her boyfriend 'cheating'

Operation, make Shawn mine is a go.

Now I just have to execute my plan.

I want Shawn to be finally mine at any cost.

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