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Shawn POV

I watched the doctor put that jell on Bey's belly then used the wand and maneuvered it around her belly.

"Here's your baby Mr and Mrs Carter," the doctor said as she looked on the monitor.

Our munchkin looked so tiny. I still can't believe Bey and I made something that adorable.

"Would you like to know the gender of your bundle of joy?" She asked looking at us.

"Yes," Bey and I said in unison.

She started moving the wand around. "It looks like you two are having a baby girl," she said smiling.

We wrapped things up and got in the car.

Today, Bey is on a day off so I get to spend quality time with my bae.

"Baby, I don't think we should find a place just yet," I said to Bey as we sat in the car.

"Why?" She said opening her KitKat.

"I don't want to add to the stress you already have. Plus we still have to tell Ray that we are planning on moving," I said.

"Awe, I love it when you look after me," she said. "I hear what you're saying and I agree with you," she said eating her KitKat. I just sat there staring at her devouring her snack. "What? You've never seen a pregnant woman with cravings?" She asked opening another KitKat.

"Can I have me some?" I asked about to take her KitKat but she swatted my hand away.

"Keep your hands off my KitKat. I will cut that hand off if you dare touch my KitKat again," she said sternly.

I've never been more scared of Beyonce. She sounded so serious.

She then opened up a bag of Lays. "Beyonce!" I said in shock. "Stop eating so much. Oh my gosh. Get a grip on yourself," I said in annoyance.

She looked at me with watery eyes. "Do you really think I want to eat so much? I can't help it. Its not like I'm deliberately having these cravings. You are not the one pregnant here. Just stop it Shawn," she said as her voice cracked in emotion.

I guess she's right. I have no clue what she's going through so I'm in no position to judge her. The last thing I want is to make her cry.

"I'm sorry babe," I said wiping her tears then pecked her lips. "Why don't we go shopping for our baby girl?" I said rubbing her belly.

She giggled. "Fine. I've been itching to go baby shopping," she said.

"Let's go on a date this evening. Keep in mind that you don't have a choice," I said smiling.

"You have a lot of requests today but I'll go with you," she said and she pecked my lips.


"Now don't do anything freaky," Kelly said as we walked out of the door.

Bey sighed. "Hey genius. Its not like I can get any more pregnant," she said.

We asked Kelly to come over and babysit Ray until we get back from our date.

"Daddy, do I really have to stay with Aunt Kelly? I'm a big boy. I can take care of myself," Ray said.

"Big boy? Not so long ago you were the one who was in my belly busy kicking me," Bey said.

"Don't worry Ray. We'll be back around 10:00 p.m. Mostly because your mommy gets tired easily," I said.

"Baby you know I can go on all night long... That's how I ended up pregnant," she said the last bit under her breath.

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