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Rihanna POV

I seriously can't stand pests. If only I knew that the best decorator in this area had a child, I would have settled with the next best thing.

Anywho, right now I'm on my way to my best friend's workplace just to have our normal girl chat.

"Hey boo," Nicki said as she got out of her office chair and coming towards me then giving me a hug.

"Hey girl. I haven't seen you in a minute," I said returning her hug.

I went over and sat on the chair in front of her desk.

"You look exhausted. What's the matter boo? Is it Shawn?" She said as she went over and sat on her office chair.

"Chile. You can read me like book," I said crossing my legs. "Shawn just doesn't wanna meet me halfway. I am helping him redecorate his club and he doesn't wanna cooperate with me. To make things worse, the best decorator up in this area has a pest," I vented out.

Nicki knows that when I said 'pest' I actually meant 'child'.

"Shawn was all up on this pest like its his. To top it all off, he gave it his chain. He barely let's me touch his chains," I said throwing my hands up.

Nicki looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. She looked like she was thinking of something. Right now I need advice from my best friend.

"Fuck Shawn. You've been complaining about his sorry ass ever since y'all started dating," she said.

"But I love him," I whined as I pouted.

She stood up and came to me. "Chile, you strong. How can you stay with a nigga who once did you wrong? I would have left his sorry ass by now," she said slowly massaging my shoulders.

Nicki is right. Shawn has cheated on me but he promised to never do it again. I love that man and I want him to see how much I love him.

"Anyways, its your relationship. Do you boo," she said still massaging my shoulders.

"Mmmm, damn girl. What do you put on those hands of yours? You literally give the best massages," I said lowly as I slightly tilted my neck.

"Have you seen that Ciara lately?" Nicki said.

I tensed up a bit. "Damn Nicki. You do know how to spoil a bitch's mood," I spat and sucked my teeth.

Ciara is the girl that Shawn cheated with. I caught them having a make out session in the club. By the look of things, it was getting heated up.

"I'm sorry Ri. I was just curious that's all," she said. "I wanna make sure that you don't pull out that Mini Uzi on her again," she said chuckling.

I started laughing with her. "That bitch didn't even see it coming. I wanted her to know that I mean business."

Before I dedicated my life to being a business woman, I was in the military. Who knew my military skills would come in handy one day. Its great that I have the license and papers to own a gun.

I can't depend on a man to protect me. I've got me for life and the only person that can protect me is myself.

Beyonce POV

After the meeting with Mr Carter and Miss Fenty, Ray and I picked up pizza for dinner since I don't feel like cooking. I told Ray to go freshen up and put on his pyjamas.

"Come here Ray," I said as he walked in the kitchen wearing his spider-man pyjamas.

He came to me, I picked him up and sat him on the kitchen counter. I went over and stood between his legs.

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