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Beyonce POV

Right now I'm eight and a half months pregnant, getting closer and closer to my due date. Everyone and everything has been getting on my last nerve lately, especially Shawn. That man drives me crazy.

"Oh hell no," I said as I entered our bathroom. "Shawn! Get in here!" I yelled.

I heard large footsteps hurtling upstairs. He then got to me.

"You called?" He said.

"What is that?" I asked pointing.

He slightly chuckled. "That's the bathroom," he said. "Wait, don't tell me that pregnancy brain of yours literally made you forget that you're in the bathroom," he said laughing.

I stared at him with a blank expression. "I was talking about the toilet seat," I said. "Why is the toilet seat up? I've told you now and again that you should put the toilet seat down," I semi yelled.

"Stop yelling mama bear," her said rubbing my belly.


He sucked his teeth and went to put the toilet seat down. "Happy?" He said flashing me a fake smile.

He came to me and started kissing me.

He knows that his kisses are my weakness.

I couldn't help but smile.

"You look amazing with that smile on," he said as he broke the kiss and looked at me. "Now stop yelling otherwise our baby girl is gonna come out."

"I'm sorry. Its just I hate it when you leave the toilet seat up," I said lowly. He held my hand and guided me to our bedroom where he sat me on his lap. "I'm fat and I'm ugly," I said with my head hanging down.

"And I'm pregnant," he said.

"Huh?" I said looking at him confused.

"I'm sorry. I thought we were naming stuff that are impossible," he said with a smile.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and smashed my lips onto his. One of his hands held my waist while the other rubbed my ass.

"Daddy, you gotta drop me off at Brian's sleepover," Ray said barging in. "Eeeewwwweeee!" He said. I'm guessing he saw us making out.

I broke the kiss and got off Shawn's lap. He's phone then started ringing.

"Talk to me bro... What?!... They are there now?... I'm on my way... Thanks, bye," he hung up and sighed.

"Something wrong honey?" I asked.

"Dre said some water pipe broke and its flooding the place. Now I gotta go there to check it out. Our plumber doesn't fix things without me being there," he said rubbing his temples. "Let's go buddy. I'll drop you off and head back to the club."

"Hold up," I said. "I'm gonna be left all alone?" I said in a baby voice.

Shawn held my hand. "Call Kelly to keep you company," he said guiding me out of the bedroom.

"Kelly has a life. Its 6:30 p.m. I'm pretty sure she went to the club," I said as Shawn guided me downstairs and into the living room and I sat on the couch.

"Try calling her," he said.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine," I said. I looked at Ray who walked passed me. "Ray, come give your mommy a kiss goodbye."

He came to me. "Goodbye mommy. I love you," he said smiling. He bent down and kissed my belly. "Goodbye baby sister. I love you too. Take it easy on mommy."

They left. I picked my phone and called Kelly.

Kelly POV

Right now I'm at Bey's place just chilling with her.

She's so oblivious to the fact that, tonight is her last night on this planet. After tonight, Beyonce and that stupid baby she's carrying will be no more.

"Who are you texting Kelly? Is it a man or woman?" Bey asked.

I put down my phone and looked at her smiling. "A special woman," I said.

She gasped. "Spill the tea girl."

Unknown POV

Right now Kelly just texted me that Beyonce is home alone.

I'm happy that I broke the water pipe, now Shawn has gone to the club.

I immediately packed everything in my duffle bag and I was out.

I drove to Beyonce's place. I can't wait to finally eliminate that bitch once and for all so that I can be with Shawn.

Before Shawn started dating Rihanna, we once hooked up. We never fucked, all we did was have a make out session. That was the best make out session of my life. From there, I wanted Shawn to be with me.

I walked to Beyonce's door and I knocked. The door swag opened and Beyonce was the one who opened it.

"Nicki?" She said confused.

I just smiled sinisterly.

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