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For the past couple of weeks, mommy has been taking me for practice on Saturdays for the Math Competition. Sometimes Mr Shawn would take me there because mommy was busy somewhere.

Today, my school is having the elimination round just so they can pick the strong ones to lead and have the weak ones on stand by. I'm sure hoping that I get picked as one of the strong ones. I wanna make my mommy proud.

"Hurry up baby, otherwise we'll be late," mommy semi yelled from downstairs. I got my sneakers on and rushed downstairs. "There's my baby. Are you nervous sweetie?" She asked smiling.

"A little," I said smiling weakly.

"Don't be. You'll do great. I believe in you Ray," she said and she bent down and kissed my cheek.

She held my hand as we walked out of the house. I got in the car as she locked up.

She started the car and we were off.

Shawn POV

I came to Ray's school to support my little friend. That boy has been working so hard, I hope they get to pick the little fella.

"Hey you guys," I greeted Ray and Beyonce cheerfully as they walked towards me.

"Hey Mr Shawn," Ray said.

"Hey Shawn," Beyonce said as she gave me a hug. I took that opportunity to inhale her sweet scent. I love it when she hugs me.

If I'm being truly honest, I'm really starting to fall for this woman. I'm starting to develop feelings for her.

Its more than liking her and its more than a crush. I just wanna make her mine.

What I love is that, even though we finished our project two weeks ago, we still hang out.

"What are you doing here Mr Shawn?" Ray asked.

I picked him up. "I came here to support you," I said.

"Thanks Mr Shawn but I'm a bit nervous," he said lowly then he laid his head on my shoulder.

"Don't be. You are gonna do fine," I said rubbing his back. "Now go get ready," I said putting him down then he ran inside the school gym.

I looked to my side and I got a glimpse of Beyonce's beauty. I couldn't help but to stare and smile.

"Is there something on my face?" She said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Ummm....No, I was just... Let's just get inside," I said trying to play it off.

We got inside and took our seats. We watched Ray do his thing. That boy is like a human calculator. He would instantly get the answers. Some of the questions would take me time to figure out but that boy figured them out in just a couple of seconds.

As expected, Ray was picked as those to represent the school. They even put him in the advanced level because he was that good.

"August would be really proud of him," I whispered into Beyonce's ear. She turned and gave me a smile.


"Congratulations baby," Beyonce said as we all sat in the restaurant having lunch courtesy to Ray making the team.

We ate our burgers and fries and engaged in some fun conversations.

"Oh my gosh Ray," Beyonce said as she looked at Ray who had his hands covered in mustard. "Excuse us for a second. I gotta go clean this boy up," she said getting up and headed for the restroom.

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