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Shawn POV

"Good morning Mrs Carter," I said as I entered the kitchen and was greeted by the sweet aroma of the breakfast my baby mama was making.

I went to her and kissed her lips. "Good morning to you too Mr Carter," she said. "Where's your son? Breakfast is ready."

I went to her and took over breakfast because whenever she stands for a very long time, she starts complaining about her feet and back aching. I don't have time to hear all of that.

I made her a plate and put it in front of her. "Thank you baby," she said.

"Anything for the woman carrying my bundle of joy," I said.

I heard tiny footsteps moving down the stairs and in came Ray with his school uniform on.

"Good morning mother and father," he said and he made himself comfortable on the kitchen island.

Bey and I gave each other a perplexed look.

"Here's your food," I said handing him his plate.

He took it and started eating. "This is some scrumptious food. Thank you for the food mother and father," he said. "You look ravishing mother. You look handsome my dearest father."

Bey sighed and put her fork down. "What do you want Ray?"

He sighed in relief. "I'm so glad you saw through my acting. Did you know I had to study the dictionary and the only word I remembered was 'scrumptious'. It wasn't easy," he said. "Can I please get a pet iguana."

"An iguana?" Bey said with her eyes widen.

"Weren't you listening mommy? I said iguana," Ray said nonchalantly.

Now why would this boy want a pet iguana?

"I heard what you said. You are not getting a pet iguana," Bey said.

"Fine then. A pet python then," he said.

Immediately Bey started coughing. I'm guessing the food went down the wrong pipe. She calm herself down by sipping her apple juice.

"No. Why would you want a pet python?" Bey said after composing herself.

"I wanna be the coolest kid on the block," he said smiling.

Bey chuckled bitterly. "You are not getting a pet python or an iguana. End of story," she said.

"But mommy-"

"End of story Raymond," she said sternly and she finished her food then went upstairs to change into her work clothes.

"Hey Ray," I said capturing his attention. "Why don't we settle with a pet fish?"

His face lit up. "I'd love to have a pet shark," he said then finished the rest of his food. "Thank you daddy, you're the best," he said getting out of his seat and he ran upstairs.

"That's not what I said," I semi yelled.

What have I done? Bey is gonna kill me.


I heard a knock on my office door.

"Come in," I said.

The door opened and in came Rihanna.

I completely forgot that she said she wanted to see me today.

"Hey Shawn," she said.

Its a bit odd that she was all over me one minute and next thing you know, she stops contacting me. Then out of the blue, she wants to meet up.

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