Chapter Twelve

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{Suga POV}
We left the house and started walking downtown. It was about 11am on a Saturday, so it was relatively busy.

"Anywhere you wanna go first?" Daichi asked. I think about it for a second.

"No." I reply. "Lets just see where the day takes us." I give him a smile of which he returns and we continue walking down the bustling streets.

After walking for a while, I start to get a little cold. Even though it's mid-May, it's still a bit chilly for whatever reason. Especially for somone like me, who gets cold super easily.

I shove my hands into my pockets to try and keep them warm. I noticed how happy Daichi was being outside, so I tried acting like I wasn't cold so he could enjoy the outdoors. But I clearly am not the best and acting, because the comfortable silence was broken by his voice.

"You look cold and there's a nice little cafe around here, so you wanna stop for something?" I nod my head and we walk about a block before we get to this small little cafe.

We walk in the doors and I am immediately hit with the warmth. The cafe is small and not very busy. it has a very welcoming vibe to it. The colour scheme was a nice pastel theme that was easy on the eyes. There were lots of plants and comfortable seating to enjoy a latte.

We took a seat in one of the booths and wait for a waiter to come take our order. While we waited, we talked about the training camp we were supposed to do the following weekend.

"We're still going to the training camp in Tokyo, right?" Daichi asked. I nod.

"Yea. We were told that Aoba Johsai was gonna be there one of the days." I sigh. Aoba Johsai were good opponents, but their Captin, Oikawa Tooru, is always trying to flirt with me. It's really uncomfortable. (In one of the earlier Chapters I said Koushi Sugawara instead of Sugawara Koushi and I'm sorry! I fixing it for the rest of the characters tho)

"Whats wrong with Aoba Johsai?" Daichi asked. See, I never told Daichi about Oikawa cause I don't want him to get the wrong idea.

"Oh, it's nothing. I guess I'm just a little worried about Kageyama." I lied. I didn't want Daichi to worry about me.

"I'm sure he'll be fine." Daichi said with a smile. I smile back.

"Well if it isn't Suga~" I hear a painfully recognizable voice. I look up to see non other than Oikawa in a waiting staff uniform.

{Daichi POV}
When Oikawa got to our table, Suga became visibly uncomfortable. It honestly made me a little worried.

"Oh... Hey Oikawa." He said, trying to force a smile. Oikawa flipped a page in his little notepad.

"What can I get for you two today?" He asked. We both ordered a coffee. Instead of leaving to grab our orders, Oikawa stuck around to talk a little. I didn't really mind, but something felt... off.

Oikawa had a naturally flirtatious aura to him, but for some reason, when he was with Suga, that aura felt strengthened. It honestly made me a little jealous.

After a few minutes, Oikawa finally left to go get our coffee. The air felt oddly tense. The tension was broken my Suga's phone.

"Oh, it's my mom." He says, looking at his phone. "I'll be right back." He steps out of the cafe to go answer the phone.

About a minute or so after he left, Oikawa came back with our drinks.

"Where did Suga go?" He asked. There was something about his tone that pissed me off, but I had to keep my composure.

"He stepped out to take a phone call."
I reply. Oikawa does a quick scan of the cafe then sits down.

"Listen Sawamura, you better keep your setter close or else I'm gonna steal him from you." He says with a smug look on his face. As much as I want to get rid if that look with my fist, I tell myself to stay calm and think rationally.

"If being with you is what would make Suga happy than I don't care." I shrugg. It hurt me to say that.

"Don't lie to yourself Sawamura." He says in a condescending tone. "You want him just as much as I do, so don't fight it." He smirks. "I'll be sure he's mine by the end of the training camp." He got up from the seat and walked away.

I sat there, alone, his words echoing in my head.

I'll be sure he's mine by the end of the training camp.

{Suga POV}
"Ok. Love you too. Bye." I hung up the phone and was about to go back inside when I saw Oikawa and Daichi talking. It looked fine, until Oikawa said something and Daichi tensed up.
Oikawa said one last thing before getting up and leaving.

Daichi was left looking stunned and slightly irritated. I went back inside to go see what they had been talking about.

"Hey, sorry about that." I sat down in my seat, which seemed to have snapped him out of his thoughts. "What were you and Oikawa talking about?" I asked. The question seemed to make him a bit nervous.

"Oh, it was nothing." He said hesitantly. "Just the training camp." I lightly nod. I don't buy whatever bullshit he's saying, but I decide it's best not to pry. He takes a sip of his drink.

"Speaking of, are you going?" I asked him. "I know you probably can't play, but I think you should still come." He smiles.

"Don't worry. Even though I won't be able to play for a while, I still intend on helping the best I can." Even if he has a disadvantage, he still tries to help. That's why I love him.

We sit in the cafe for another hour or two before deciding to leave. We walk around the town for the rest of the day and decide to go home.

By the time we get back, it's about 8:30pm. Daichi and I decide to end the day with a movie. We settle on watching It. I'm not a huge fan of horror movies, but Daichi has wanted to watch it for a while, so I agree to watch it.

We grab some snacks and get a blanket. We start the movie, but I fell asleep before the super scary stuff happened. That was the end of the perfect day.

The rest if the week goes by. Daichis back at school and our practices are, almost, back to normal. Before we knew it, it was time for the training camp.


Happy Easter!! My present to you is the new chapter. I'm sorry it took so long, but thank you for being patient with me. I'm not sure how many chapters are left, but i would say no more than 7 or 8, maybe even less. I shouldn't be having to much trouble with the rest of the story so the new chapter will hopefully be out soon. Also, thanks for 400 reads!!


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