Chapter Three

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Gore Warning

{Daichi POV}
I ran inside my house, locking the front door behind me. I got to the kitchen and grab a knife.

Your so called friends won't come for you. They probably don't care that you ran from Nishinoya.

I ran downstairs to the spare bathroom and locked the door. I heard muffled yells of my name and banging coming from outside my front door. I almost went upstairs to see but...

They don't really wanna see you. They probably wanna make fun of  you for being a coward. Just do it. They won't care.

I start making deep cuts in my arms as I yell in pain. Soon, there are deep wounds all over my arms and blood everywhere. I collapse on the floor.

I hear someone outside the bathroom door. I hear him crying my name. As everything starts to go black, I try to call out. "S-Suga." I faintly whisper. I fell unconscious from blood loss and everything went black.

I woke up in an ambulance. I saw Suga crying next to me. He's holding my hand, blaming himself for what I did. I grab his hand.

"S-Suga," I whispered. "I-It's ok." I wanted to tell him that I loved him, but I fell unconscious again. The last thing I remember is Suga looking down at me, crying.

I hated that I made him cry. I hated that I made him feel like that. It was never Sugas fault, it was mine.

{Asahi POV}
We watch as the cop takes Suga upstairs. I look into the blood soaked bathroom. The knife that the Captain, my friend tried to use to take his life.

I look back at the rest of the team. As everything that just happend starts to sink in, we all just break. Even Tsukkishima was about to start crying.

"Guys, I know this is really hard for everyone right now," I say, trying to take initiative. "But it's getting late. You should all head home." Everyone looked at me with surprised looks.

"I know you all want to see Daichi, but only so many people can visit." I try my best to stay strong for the team, but I can only hold back my tears for so long. "Tanaka, Noya, you guys come with me. The rest of you go home and get some rest."

I close the bathroom door so I don't have to look at it anymore. Tanaka, Noya and I run upstairs to try and catch the ambulance. We get in my car and start driving right behind the ambulance.

{Suga POV}
We get to the hospital and they rush Daichi inside. They tell me to wait in the waiting room, so I go sit down and start having a panic attack.

What if he doesn't make it? What if his injuries are so severe that he can't play volleyball again? What if he doesn't wanna be my friend anymore cause I drove him to suicide? What if...

As I slowly start to spiral out of my mind, a hand touches my shoulder. I look up to see Asahi. He bends down to meet my eyes.

"Daichi is going to be fine." He had the most calming tone. I started to tear up again. He sat down beside me as I cried into his shoulder. After a few hours of Asahi, Tanaka and Noya trying to calm me down, a docter came out.

"Is there a Sugawara?" I wiped my face and stood up.

"Y-Yes. That's me." He looked behind me and saw the three guys look up at us.

"Are you three also friends of Sawamura?" They all nodded and the docter motioned for then to come over. "Your friend is alive." I felt a wave of relief fill my body and tears starting to well up, though I don't think i have enough fluids in my body to cry anymore. "Unfortunately, he lost a lot blood, so there is a chance he may not make it through the night." My heart dropped.

Turns out I was wrong, cause with those words, I felt my face become wet with tears once again. I turn around and Asahi pulls me in so I can cry on his shoulder. He also started crying as well as Tanaka and Noya. 

"C-Can we see him?" Asked Asahi with a shakey voice.

"Of course." The docter lead us to the room. Asahi asks if the rest of the team can come see him and he said it was fine, so Asahi, Tanaka and Noya went to call the rest of the guys, leaving me with Daichi. I sit in a chair next to the bed, holding his hand, praying for him to wake up.

It wasn't long before the others showed up at the hospital. The team, the coach the mangers and Takeda-Sensei came to see Daichi.

Everyone came in separately so there wouldn't be to many people in the room and once. Although I stayed the whole time. Asahi ended up calling my mom to let her know what happend and that I probably wouldn't be home that night.

Soon after that, everyone had left. I stayed to wait for Daichi to wake up. I held his hand as I watched him.

"Hey, Daichi. I don't know if you can hear me, but..." I start crying again. "I'm sorry. I did this to you. I made you feel uncomfortable and you thought I hated you. I drove you suicide and now..." I couldn't finish my sentence before sobbing by his bedside.

I felt him squeeze my hand, just like in the ambulance. I look up and his eyes are slightly open.

"I-It's not y-your fault." He strained to speak. "I-I did this t-to myself." I watched as he put on a weak, but genuine, smile. "Suga, I-" His eyes closed and his hand went limp. His heart rate was starting to slow down. I try to wake him up but he won't answer.

"Daichi! Please wake up!" I cried. I push the blue button next to his bed and nurses come running in. They start preforming CPR and they usher me out of the room.

"His he gonna be ok?" I cried "Please tell me he'll be alright! I haven't got to tell him I love him! I need to tell him!" The nurse tries to calm me down.

"We are gonna to everything we can to save your friend." She rushes back into his room and I'm left alone, crying on the floor next to his room.

The docters called my mom and she picked me up. I told her everything as I sobbed. We got home and I went to my room. I flopped face down in my bed and just cried, until eventually, I fell asleep.


This is author~chan from a few months after this way written. I was editing and I realized theres no a/n so... here you go ig🤷‍♀️ While I'm here, I'm posting a sequel soon so you should follow me so you know when its posted :)

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