Chapter One

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{Suga POV}
It's a beautiful Wednesday morning and I took my time walking to school to really embrace the beauty of the day. As I approach school grounds, I hear someone yell my name.

"Hey! Suga!" I turn around and see Daichi running towards me. A light shade of pink covers my face. I wave as he comes up beside me.

"Hey Daichi!" I say with a smile. I look down and notice a bandage wrapled around his right hand. "Are you ok? What happened?" I was concerned because it looked pretty serious. His face went a little pale and he looked at his hand.

"Yea." He said still looking at his hand. He looked up at me and smiled. "I just tripped and fell, thats all." I wasn't totally convinced, but at the same time, I didn't really have any reason to think he's lying. We walked the rest of the way in silence, but a nice comfortable one.

{Daichi POV}
When Suga asked me what happened, my heart dropped. I knew I wouldn't be able to go the day without people asking, but for some reason, when it came from Suga, I didn't know what to say.

If you tell him what's really happening, he'll leave you in the dust. Yea... I know.

Lying to Suga felt so wrong, but he's right, if Suga knew, he wouldn't stay with me. He would leave and never talk to me again, so I told him I tripped and fell.

He seemed hesitant with my response, but he didn't question me which is probably a good sign.

Later That Day

The bell rings for the last period of the day. Suga and I both have a free period, so on Wednesday afternoons before practice, we usually go to a small cafe about 5 minuted away from the campus.

People started filling the hallways to go to their next class and I head outside to wait for Suga. As I get to the main gate, I see Suga standing there waiting for me. His silver hair being ruffled in the light spring breeze and a smile that could light up a room as he spots me and starts waving.

I suddenly feel a tingle in my stomach, as if it were filled with butterflies, but why? I run towards him and we start walking and head to the cafe.

We walk in and we're greeted by Naomi, one of the waitresses at the cafe. Since we go there every Wednesday, the majority of the staff knows us.

"Welcome boys!" Naomi says with a smile.

"Hey Naomi!" Suga replied. I gave a smile and a little wave as we headed to our usual seat.

"Would you two like your regular?" She asked. Suga nods his head and so do I. "Ok, two black coffees. One with sugar the other with cream." Suga and I look at eachother and chuckle a little at the fact that Naomi knows our order. "And what kind of cheesecake are we feeling like today, Suga?" Suga puts his hand on his chin to think about it for a moment.

"I'll have the cookies and cream cheesecake today." He says with a smile. Naomi writes it in her little note pad.

"Alrighty than! I'll be back with your drinks shortly!"

{Suga POV}
Naomi leaves with our orders and Daichi and I talk about an upcoming training camp. We talked about what kind of drills we should do, team building activities, basically just roughly planned what we should do. Nothing to exciting.

Every time we come, our order gets a little quicker, so after about 5 minutes, Naomi came back out with our drinks and my cheesecake.

"Here you go boys!" She smiled and put our stuff on the table.

"Thanks, Naomi" Said Daichi. I smiled and bowed my head a little. The bell at the door rang and Naomi walked over to greet the customers. I took a bite of my cheesecake than looked up at Daichi, who was looking out the window.

"So cute." I whispered to myself as I smiled at Daichi. He looked over at me.

"Pardon?" He asked in a very polite tone. That's when I realized that I had been thinking out loud. A dark shade of pink starts to fill my face.

"O-Oh... N-Nothing." I stutter as I try to save it with a smile. He give a little chuckle and takes a sip of his drink.


I have had feelings for Daichi for a long time now and I only want the best for him. If that means he doesn't choose me in the end, I'll be alright, as long as he's happy.

I decide to bite the bullet and ask something I've been afraid to ask about.

"So, You gonna ask Yui out or what?"


Hey my lovleys! I just wanted to say that I'm not gonna follow any specific schedule with updates. I'll update whenever the chapter is ready, although I'll try to have one at least once a week. That's all I wanted to say. BAI!!

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