Chapter 44 : The Heart (2)

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Inside a building earlier, the one that Siegfried and Cecilia is inside.

"Ouch... Ouch... Ouch..." - Siegfried gets up, he sees Cecilia lying next to him.

Gladly, that she's still alive, but she can't continue fighting anymore.

Siegfried tries to stand up, but it seems his leg has broke.

"Argh! Damn it!" - He swear, while keep punching the floor. "Just a bit... Move... You pathetic leg..."

"No, you shouldn't move. Give me your weapon." - A strange voice appears.

Siegfried looks up, it's Kevin Kaslana.

".... I've met you back there... If i'm right... You're my..."

"Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandfather."

"Yeah something like that, but why are you here?"

"I've come here only to join this battle, they now stand no chance of winning. But if i can, i could change this fight forever. Give it to me." - Kevin gives his hand to Siegfried.

Siegfried has no other choice, but to give Judgement of Shamash to Kevin, because he is no longer can fight.

Kevin activated the blade form, as soon as these gets into his hand.

"Hey... That mode..."

"Yeah... Long time no see, old friend. Now we shall end this fight together." - Then Kevin walk away.

"Hah... I hope everyone... Can win the fight..."

"Siegfried! Is Cecilia okay in there?" - Otto standing outside, shouting inside.

"Yeah, she's fine. But we need a medic!" - Siegfried yell.

"Okay, you guys get in there and take them to somewhere else safe. We'll handle Dio." - Otto said to some members of Immortal Blades.

"Roger that."

Back to Dio, he has obtained 7 pieces of the Heart. Only 2 pieces left to be found.

"... How will we deal with him?" - Polnareff ask.

"Who knows... But we'll have to attack him until he ran out all the energy."

"I may... Need a horse." - Johnny said, while looking to you.

"Horse? Your horse's back on Hyperion." - You said. "But why do you need it?"

"Believe me, if Dio can use his Love Train ability, we'll never hit him. But if i use the infinite rotation energy... It may break through that dimension."

".... Okay, so Love Train will be take care by you, i'll call them to send your horse down."

"Thanks. But right now... We'll need to buy times, and pray that Dio won't active Love Train too soon."

"So that is... 7 pieces in total... I can barely feel it, the power of a God is very near, just a little more..." - Dio quickly make the pieces disappear right the moment Jotaro rush to him.

"ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!" - Jotaro use Star Plantium to attack Dio, but Dio dodged it without using the power of any gem. "What?"

"Shit! Shoot him down! Mista!" - Bucciarati shout.

"Okay!" - Mista shoot all 6 shot to Dio, even thought they can't see his trail, but Mista can barely tell where will he be. So he fire at it.

"MUDA!" - Dio deflect the bullets, the rush to Mista.

"Get back! Mista!" - Bucciarati push Mista back away.

And Dio made another donut, but it's not on Bucciarati, but it's Abbacchio, he pushed Bucciarati out right the moment Dio come.

Jojos In Honkai-verse (Also Reader X HI3)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon