Chapter 15 : Italy.

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At Joseph's.

"... Hey Caesar." - Joseph call Caesar.


"Wanna go to Italy?"


"Hamon training there."

"... Okay."


At Hyperion. (Joseph and Caesar not here, they hired a plane, and Joseph drive it.)

"I have a bad feeling about this." - Caesar though.

Anyway, back to you.

You're on the bridge.

"Okay... Is everyone here yet?" - You're checking around, see if anyone is not here yet.

"Okay... Let's go then."

19 minutes later. In Captain's office. You've called Kiana, Mei and Bronya come to discuss about the mission.

They open the door and come in.

"Hello Captain." - Mei said.

"Hi there."

"So what's the new mission?" - Kiana ask.

"I'll explain it, have a seat."

"Thanks." - They all said and sat down the sofa.

"So what is it Captain?" - Mei ask.

"... We'll going to find Jesus's body parts."

"Wait wut."

"Just kidding, we'll have to find a herrscher gem. Theresa said it before to me."

"Herrscher... Gem?" - Kiana is now confused.

"If i'm right, i believe it's called the Wind gem." (okay... I need someone explain more properly about the herrscher gems, i know there are Void, Lighting, Reason and Wind. Do i miss any or their name?)

"Wind gem huh..."

"And Theresa said we'll need to find her quick and retreat quick."


"The Anti-Entropy has started to make their moves, but we're a bit faster than them."

"Okay... About the gem..."

"Yeah... Theresa also told me that you also have the gem."

"Yeah..." - Mei said.

"What? Mei?" - Kiana ask.

"... I can see now why enemy want to have you, but i still don't know why they want Kiana too... 'Maybe her bloodline?'"

".... Probably because they want to have someone as a hostage."

"Yeah but why Kiana? Why not someone else?"

"I dunno."

"And... You really don't have to go for this mission, its kinda risk."

"Nah, we'll be find Captain, besides, where will you find another perfect team like us?" - Kiana said.

"Kiana idiotka..." - Bronya said, while put her hand on her face.

"Why did you call me idiot?" - Kiana said.

"Hahaha.... Okay then." - You said.

'If i remember, he told me to find the gems, the Kaslanas, and the Heart....'

'The first gem is in front of me, the second one is on our destination. What about the other 2. And about the Kaslanas. He said Kaslanas. So probably there will be two or more. Kiana only knows her dad and her as the only member of the Kaslana Family. Maybe its them. And what is the Heart?...'

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