Chapter 14 : Exam.

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It's been 2 weeks since the St.Freya school got attacked, Otto knows about it. So he sent some Schicksal's robot come to protect the school.

He also sent more Valkyries to your city.

But everything got normal once again, the enemy has stopped attacking.

But they're ready for another attack with even more powerful.

Jotaro and his friend is starting to learn more about this world in the St.Freya's library.

Once again, everything's back to normal. But there is a very big threat is going on right now.

The exam.

Finally its here.

You've taught the girls everything is necessary for this exam.

And now, you're guarding them during their exam, hoping they don't cheating. (No they won't)

Everyone is taking serious on this test.

There's 50 question in total, each question worth for 2 points.

No one has say a word, you started to walking around the class.

You walk to Kiana's table, she's lying on her table.

"Kiana?" - You call her.

She get up, looked at you.

"I give up." - She said.

"... Why?"

"This is too hard for me. I won't pass this test."

"... C'mon, do it. And i'll give you my lunch."

"NANI?" - Then she started to do the exam.

Why she change her mind? Simple, Mei do bento for everyone. And Kiana ate alot, especially when it's Mei food.

"Ahahaha...." - Then you walked away.

Meanwhile, at Fu Hua.

She just finished question 49. It's not very hard for her, since she've been studying hard in these weeks.

'Okay, now for final question.'

She looked at question 50.

The test :

50. Explain how D4C works in less than 200 letters.

'... I give up.' - She though.

And the others still working on question 20~38.

Mei and Bronya has study hard for these weeks too, but it seems they can't go as fast as Fu Hua.

'Most of them are doing good. I so proud of them. But i wonder if anyone can solve question 50.' (no)

Time passed.

The bell started to ring.

"Okay. Time's over, hand me the papers."

They started to give you the papers, and when Kiana gives her to you, you check it.

'She's kinda fast, though they're not right but... Wait she did question 50?'

You read her question 50.

She writes :

What's D4C?

'.....' "okay... Is there anyone left?"

You checked everyone. It seems everyone has done.

"Okay. Take a break, class."

Jojos In Honkai-verse (Also Reader X HI3)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ