Chapter 42 : Sacrifice

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Continued from previous.

Dio, still manage to survive the Hyperion's attack.

But that's not important anymore.

What important is he got 4 gems. All of them has been gathered. Now his Stand, has possess more abilities.

Speed and Power, all Stats are increased.

In order to find the last 4 pieces, now, Dio is chasing after everyone.

The Hyperion's now don't have anymore power left against Dio, what all it can do, is watching everything from above.

"Damn it.... Why... Why we can't won..." - Theresa is bite her nails.

"... No, Theresa... Now is our time." - Siegfried said.


"Let's go, to the hangar."

Back to you and the others, you all, made in time, run into a small town nearby, but split up to different groups in order to ambush Dio.

".... Hope this plan will works." - Polnareff said.

"... Yeah... If we can find his weakness... We might win." - Jotaro said.

"... But the cost of it..." - Polnareff seems worried.

"No, believe in them, Polnareff."

Back to Dio, he's now at the town's entrance, he jumps to a house nearby there, making sure there is no one around here, then he jumps up the roof.

"... No one's here... I can barely sense some soul signal around here. But they're splitting apart. Hmph, how useless plan, they will all dominated by me." - Dio slightly smiled, then he jumps to another house.

Suddenly, from his back, he can sense something is coming at him. He turns back, also use The World to stop it. It's some Emeralds.

"Korega... Kakyoin's..."

But something's strange, this isn't just Hierophant Green. He didn't activated anything in this area, and he didn't see any tentacle of Hierophant Green. Something's very strange. But he couldn't tell what is it.

Suddenly, more comings, from his left side and behind him. He have to use The World at full speed to deflect all these Emeralds.

But this time, he can see it, the strange thingy. Some of them aren't Emeralds. They're... Bubbles. Caesar's bubbles.

"This is..."

And another one coming behind him, he thought it was some Emeralds, but it was fire, Avdol's fire.

He can only dodge it by jumping up, but then, he hit some wire, he thought they were electricity wire, but they're Hierophant Green's tentacles.

And he triggered it, more Emeralds coming to him from his right.

He still manage to deflect it all. But all the attacks, some of them, didn't deflected by Dio. They hit Dio, and deal some minor damage to him.

"Tch..." - Then he quickly realized, that he's been surrounded by Hierophant's tentacles. He can see Kakyoin now, he is standing on a roof of the house away from him about 40 meters. "Korega..."

"Soda!" - Kakyoin said, then point his finger at Dio. "Hierophant's barrier, will active when you touch it, has completely surround you in 20 meters-radius." (i know it's not Soda, but i like to use it)

Then Dio realized, not only Kakyoin's here. Caesar on his right, away about 20 meters. Avdol back of the left, away 60 meters.

And he can feel there are two more, 1 behind him and on is around here, he's not taking part in this fight.

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