Chapter 37 : Enter The Sea.

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A day later, at The Deep, continue from previous.

Even thought Diavolo is defeated, but you can still tell that there are still more Stand Users. But you can't tell where are they, or how many are them, but you don't feel worry about the others, because they're powerful Stand Users.

You looked at Diavolo's corpse. Suddenly, his finger lift a bit.

"Nani?" - You pull out your gun.
"....." - You come closer to check his body, sees if anything is strange. You see, a needle is stuck at his arm, then his body start to shake. You jumps back, and shoot at him 3 shot.

I may say Diavolo is retired from this fanfic.... But i didn't mentioned about his body.

"What is happening?" - Theresa ask, while she's close to you. The Honkai beasts around this area suddenly retreat, as they know there is something horrifying about to happen.

".... Theresa, bring they get out of this area now, i didn't think that.... He'll do a such thing like this." - You said, while reloading your gun.

And Diavolo's body start to transforming, into something huge and white.

Meanwhile, at the other team. The Honkai beasts at their area is decreased, but they're still dangerous. But it does not mean a thing to the Stand Users.

F/n fire at some, then he kick one, and fall back, he also met Stroheim who is fighting.

"Not bad." - Stroheim said.

"Same go for you, i feel there is something wrong with you." - F/n said.

"And it seems there are still alot of them in front of us. Allow me to clear all of them." - Stroheim said, then he step foward.

"Wait, what are you doing?"

"Hmph, German Science is the best in the world." - Stroheim takes out his jacket, then F/n sees a gun in his torso.

"Nani? You... Your torso is a machine?"

"... Actually, i've lost my body in a war before, but they've saved me. The Nazi has saved me. They gave me a new body. And i'm very thankful for that." - Stroheim said, then he takes out a strip of bullets. "This baby here can fire 600 30mm armor-piercing round per minute."

Then the machine gun on Stroheim's torso start fire at the Honkai beasts. They all fell down, none of them was a match for Stroheim.

"Awesome...." - F/n said.

"See? German Science is the best in za warudo."

"Yeh.. Wait who is that?" - F/n sees a black guy wearing a priest clothes.

".... I never met this man before, hey you, are you enemy?" - Stroheim ask, he also point the machine gun at that guy.

".... I don't have a good feeling about this, Stroheim, kill him." - F/n said, then he also point is pistol at him.

"Yeah..." - Stroheim start to shoot at him, but the bullet suddenly fell to the left, they go a little bit more before fall.

"What?" - Then suddenly, when F/n let go his knife, the knife slowly fall to the left. "....??" - And he feel his body is falling to the left too, Stroheim can feel it too.

"What is this??" - Stroheim said, then his foot slip, and he fell on the ground, but his body is being pulled to the left, it's like he's falling.

"Stroheim!" - F/n gives his hand to Stroheim, while his other hand is holding a pillar.

Stroheim takes that hand.

"Thanks... But what the hell is that?" - Stroheim looks around, and he surprising that the man in the priest suit is standing on the ground normally, like there's nothing happened to him.

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