Chapter 16 : The 4th Herrscher.

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"She got the gem?" - Mei asked.

"Yeah, the Desire gem only stability when its inside her body. So we can't take it out."

"... Okay. But why we can't just take it out and put it in somewhere safe? It won't be a problem to us."

"We can't know what will gonna happen if he take it out, maybe it will cause another honkai eruption. We can't risk that much."

(Okay, i'm lazy writing here. So if you guys played Chapter 3 of Honkai Impact 3 already, the following storyline of this fanfic will be the exact same as it.

It won't be necessary for writing all of it in, it's Muda.)

Time skip.

Wendy has go berserk, she is now The 4st Herrscher, able to control wind.

Kiana and the others are fighting her, but even Wendy can't fully control her power yet, but they can't Stand against the power of a Herrscher.

"Huh... Huh.... It's that all you got there?" - Kiana said.

"Not bad, i should finish you off quickly, before it's too late." - Wendy said.

"... No, let me fight you instead." - You appears behind Kiana. "Good job Kiana, you've done well. Leave the rest to me."

"Captain? What are you doing down there?" - Theresa shouted.

"Sorry, Theresa. But i have a reason for this. Girls, retreat, i'll fight her instead."

"But!" - Kiana said, she wants to fight with you.

"Go, the reinforcement are coming, about 5 minutes." - You told Kiana.

"Hm? You pathetic human dare to stand against me? If you lick my foot, maybe i'll mercy and give you a painless death."

(Bang) you fired your gun, it just a warning shot. It almost hit Wendy's head, it only left a small scratch on her face.

"I am not the weak Y/n like before. I can fight now..."

'This guy... Is too dangerous... I'll have to get rid of him first!

Then you and Wendy start to fight.

Meanwhile, somewhere underground. Joseph and Caesar feels something's strange, so they go check it out.

They see there are some robots, and some people is working on something on the wall.

"What is that?" - Caesar asked.

"I don't know, maybe we should come closer."

"Wait don't, the robot might notice us."


"Sir! There is something wrong!" - A soldier shout.

They quickly take attention on the guards.

"What's wrong?" - The commander asked.

"There!" - The soldier pointed at the wall.

At the wall, there is 3 man inside the wall.

"What the hell is that?" - Joseph ask.

And they see there is a cavity on the middle man's forehead.

"Investigate it! But be careful!"


Some soldier use ladders to watch inside the cavity.

"I heard something..." - A soldier said.

"Try looking in closer."

Jojos In Honkai-verse (Also Reader X HI3)Where stories live. Discover now