Chapter 36 : Encounter.

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At Italy.

Jotaro and the others has arrived, but they've been ambushed by some Stand Users and large group of Honkai beasts.

"Ora ora ora ora ora ora!!" - Star Plantium is punching some zombies.
"Yare yare. There's too much."

"Yeah. But more important is the Stand Users, they've retreated for now. But it seems they know about our plan." - Polnareff, while on Jotaro's hand.

"Emerald Splash!" - Kakyoin's Hierophant is shooting at the Honkai beasts. "Everyone, where are the rest?" - Kakyoin ask.

Jotaro now noticed, that being out numbered by the enemies has split apart their group. Now they're in a small team.

"Yare yare daze. Let's find them." - Jotaro said, while start going.

At the Queen's.

"Kneel." - Sirin said, and then most of the zombies and the Honkai beasts kneels, some of them doesnt kneel but they stand still. And some of them still fighting against them.

"Tsk." - Benares turns back to her true form, she eat the ones still fighting.

"So... That's all?" - The third herrscher ask.

"Maybe... But there are still some humans with strange abilities. We must be aware of them." - Sirin said. "Now... What to do with them..." - She thought for a little time. "All of you, back to where you came from, and kill your master."

The Honkai beasts and zombies thought for a bit, and none of them move.

"... What's wrong? Didn't hear me well?" - Sirin looking at them, no one is moving, it seems they are obey their Queen, but there's something horrifying than her.


"... Now what, my Queen?" - Benares ask.

".... Let's find the others....." - Sirin said.

At Jolyne, she's with Anasui, Avdol, Josuke and Okuyasu.

"ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!!" - Jolyne's Stone Free punches some Honkai beasts very hard.

And Avdol is burning some zombies. While Okuyasu is using Za Hando to erase some of them.

Suddenly, a zombie strikes into Jolyne, but it was stopped.

"Diver Down." - Anasui used Diver Down to protect Jolyne against that attack, then he kick the zombie away. "Tsk, you piece of shit... Dare to touch my Jolyne? Unforgivable." - Then Diver Down dives into that zombie, then he ripped that zombie from inside.

"Thanks, Anasui." - Jolyne said.

"It's nothing..."

"... More are coming." - Jolyne turns to her right, sees a large horde of Honkai beasts is coming.

"..... Jolyne, use your string to tie them up, gather them at one place." - Avdol steps close to Jolyne.

"... Okay, i understand." - Jolyne said, then she use her string, tied up alot of zombie and Honkai beasts.

And Avdol use his Magician's Red to burn down all of them.

".... Hate to admit it... But he's good in teamwork... I'll let it go this time..." - Anasui is jealous.

Josuke and Okuyasu coming closer to them.

".... You're hurt?" - Josuke notice there's a wound at Anasui's left hand.

Anasui got it from ealier, when he defending Jolyne against that zombie.

"Ah... Yeah...." - He said.

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