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-Last Time on "~Not Your Typical Love Story~"...-

"Fastest thing alive or not, a girl's gotta have her fun." You smirked at them,— even though you were really tempted to stay with them. Ex shrugged his shoulders as Sonic sighed. "Your loss." Sonic replied not too long after.

You laughed and shook your head at them, then replied with a: "If I were you, I'd get up on that bed and do something worthwhile than to be a lazy ass."

You laughed once again as soon as you saw both Sonic and Ex shoot you jokingly hurtful looks.

With that said, you left the room and walked out into the hallway,— deciding to go and get prepared for the upcoming event with a smile on your face.


~Your P.O.V.~

"Huh..." I breathed out slightly in surprise as I walked down the hallway.

The hallways were pretty empty. 

And it was too quiet. 

In all honesty, I didn't like the silence. Especially if it was too overwhelming. I don't know, it's just an uncomfortable atmosphere. I always get the feeling that I'm lonely whenever it's too quiet. And when it's too quiet, anything could happen. Which is also an another thing that I didn't like. The fear of the unknown. Often times, I get paranoid about things. And when I get paranoid, I'm always on edge. Can easily get scared or spooked.

But I try not to think of it too much.

I peeked inside the supposed-to-be living room,— which was cleaned up to my surprise. The coffee table was wiped. The olive-colored couch was made. The pillows were fluffed and neatly arranged. The white marble floor was sparkly and clean as if someone had just swept it recently. It was also empty — meaning, nobody was here. 

I shrugged to myself and continued exploring around the place. 

I mean, Sonic was right. I am the fastest thing alive now, and I've got at least — I checked my wrist communicator for the time. 3 hours and 46 minutes to prepare for the 'party'. I still have time. And I haven't explored the whole building yet, so... 

Why not?

"Hey Jikal?" I called out as I fiddled with the Chaos Shard wrapped around my neck while I continued walking down the hallway. 

"Yeah? What's up?" Jikal snapped his attention towards my voice. 

I curiously observed my surroundings as I sauntered along. The hallway's interior design had that 'future-like secret base' vibe to it,— the ones you could see in spy or action movies. Whoever came up with the design did a pretty good job. 

The floor was a smooth concrete,— stretching out into different paths that led to different rooms throughout the building. The walls were made out of concrete as well, but it had that shiny, glass-like effect to it. The hallways were lit up by fluorescent lights built to the ceiling. It was not too bright to the eye, but not too dim either. It was just the right amount of brightness.

I haven't really paid attention to the details, and I regretted in doing so. How come I noticed all of this just now? 

Every square inch, every corner, every surface, every structure,— it was built as if it was perfectly planned. Who could've done all of this? 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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