Chapter 43: Closer

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What's up everybody? :D

It's me, your girl, the one and only. 

Wild! XD

How's everybody doing? It's been so long since I've been here. 

I'm not dead, I'm well and alive. :)
I've been doing fine, to be honest. Hope you guys are too.

So, I don't wanna make this announcement long and boring.

I just wanna say: I'm back, even if it's for a short while, and I'm doing fine. And I'm happy.

(Btw, my crush and I are friends on Facebook now, slkfaksdfkajskfjaskldfja-)

(And I have 69 reads on my previous chapter. ಠ⌣ಠ  Noice-)


-Last Time on "~Not Your Typical Love Story~"...-

"Yeah, sorry. I was-... Choking." He smiled sheepishly. All fear and worry suddenly went out of my system and was replaced by relief. Everything was now back to normal, I guess... But I can never be too sure....

As if on cue, Ex looked straight at me.

For a second I thought he tricked me and was going to give me an evil smile or a grin, but what he did next surprised me.

"If you can hear me, well-... We need to talk, (Y/N). As soon as possible." He thought.

I nodded slowly so that I can give him the message that I heard him. And he got it.

"Yes indeed we do, Ex."


~Your P.O.V.~

"So, uh... I'll get a-... (Favorite food) please, and uh.. (Favorite drink) will be fine." 

I smiled at the cashier as I told them my order. I got some golden rings out from my purse,— which was, no surprise, the currency used here in Möbius. Amy gave me a couple of rings to spend earlier ago before we even went out. 

"Okay then, one (f/f) and one (f/d). Anything else?" The cashier asked me politely after punching something on the computer-like thing-a-majig in front of them, before looking back at me, then at Ex. 

The dark blue hedgehog made no hesitation at ordering. "Two orders of chili dogs, please. And two bottles of water will do." He smiled,— acting as if everything was perfectly fine and as if he didn't cry blood before. I looked at him. "How can you act so normal?" I telepathically asked him as I looked back at the cashier in front of us to avoid suspicion. 

After a while, I managed to master the ability to not only pry into others' thoughts, but to talk to them using telepathy as well. Gotta say, my powers are improving at an incredible rate. Ex audibly cleared his throat and answered back. He still wasn't used to me having the ability to be telepathic and talking to him like this. "There's nothing I could do besides than that now, could I...?

He made a point. 

After that little incident he made in public, which luckily no one noticed, I decided to put my guard up. Sark's here. He knows that Ex knows me. I discovered that when Sark decided to 'play puppet' with Ex. He knows about my presence, and I'm pretty sure that I'm not gonna be safe from now on.

Not Your Typical Love Story (Sonic x Reader x Sonic.Exe)(Delayed Posting)Where stories live. Discover now