- vicissitude -

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vicissitude (n); a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.

he wasn't who he was like before. he's changed into someone who was capable of doing all sorts of things without any regret. he used to be a sweetheart, a loving and caring gentleman who'd never hurt you in any way. but now, it's like the exact opposite.

each day he'd grow colder and harsher, but he'd never physically hurt you. sometimes he'd say words that felt like bullets to your heart, but you wouldn't let him get to you like that, especially when he's your boyfriend.

every time you tried to talk to him he'd ignore you as if you weren't important at all. every time you'd try to gain his attention, he'd get angry and lash out at you and honestly you've been sick of it. it's been four months since he acted out like this, and you grew tired of it.

you weren't happy in this relationship anymore and it just felt one-sided. he wasn't putting any effort into this relationship anymore and it's like you've been trying to salvage it, but nothing's working.

you thought about breaking up with him, but you felt like it was just a phase for him, so you stayed. but at this point, you wanted to leave, you couldn't stand it anymore. you loathed this vicissitude in him, and if he didn't want to talk things out with you, it was a matter of time that you gave up.

if he's already given up, then why should you keep trying? it wasn't fair to you at all, always trying to make things work when in reality, nothing works at all. you knew that, but yet you kept trying.

he'd always come home extremely late. you'd always wait up for him only for him to ignore your presence and go to bed, alone. right now you were waiting for him, at three in the morning as your eyes started to droop. about an hour later, you heard the door open and you immediately woke up.

"hey kook, what took you so long?" you asked while being half asleep.

"work," he coldly replies and started to walk to the bedroom.

you stopped him and you decided you've had enough. even though it was four in the morning and not a convenient time to end things, you couldn't keep up with this stupid act of his anymore. you needed to confront him.

"hey kook, we need to talk," you spoke ever so sternly.

he looked back at you with a straight face, giving you a cold glare.

"what?" he asked, feeling irritated.

"look i'm gonna be honest with you, you've turned into someone i don't even know anymore and you aren't even willing to communicate! it feels like you're purposely trying to avoid me and i've had enough. let's just end this before things go way too far," you let out.

he let out a scoff before answering. "seriously? i'm still me, what the hell are you talking about?"

"you've changed jungkook! you're not the same anymore and it's so upsetting to see the guy i once fell in love with is gone, and turned into this person who i feel so foreign with. who are you, kook? you won't even listen nor will you even treat me as your girlfriend anymore and i'm tired of it!" you spoke, letting out what you felt about him and his change.

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