I used my arms to wrap around myself like a shield as I slowly rose to my feet. Letting my gaze fall away from him. 

"Did I say something wrong?" Matt asked with concern in his voice as he quickly got on his feet. 

"No, I just-I just need a moment," I said and used my vampire speed to run into the dark woods.

"Ira!" I heard Matt yell after me as I ran for dear life. 

I could hear him try to run after me but it was hopeless. I could never have seen which direction I went. I was deep into the woods when I finally stopped and leaned against a tree. I took a few deep breaths and reached up to remove some hair from my face when I felt my hand get wet. I had been crying and didn't even realize it.

I slowly slid down the tree trunk, the tears silently falling from my eyes. As I reached the ground I pulled my legs close and wrapped my arms around them. Making myself into a ball, shielding myself from the world.

"Fuck!" I yelled at no one in particular. I lifted my hands and used them to hit myself in the head repeatedly. 

"Stop crying. Stop crying. Stop crying." I repeated breathlessly like a mantra. I grabbed my hair out of frustration and pulled at it.

 "Stop. Fucking. Crying." I growled. 

"You're not a stupid, emotional, teenage girl. You're too old for this! You have no right to feel sorry for yourself!" I roared out loud.

I took a couple of deep breaths and wiped the tears from my face trying to gather myself. 

"You can't act like this Elira. Your life is better now, you should be better, feel better. Stop moping, and get your ass in gear." I commanded trying to convince myself to go return to the others. 

"Now, let's go back and talk to some of the others. You have others to talk to now. You're not alone. You're not alone." I said reasoning with my own brain as I turned around and headed back to the mansion.


I was back in a matter of minutes. It looked as if the party was dying down. I could no longer hear the music as loudly as before. Now it sounded faint, just like the background music. I walked inside to find Matt arguing with Caroline, heatedly discussing something. I let out a small cough and their eyes snapped to me. 

"Look! there she is," Caroline said and pointed at me as she walked over to me. I could see the relief on Matt's face as he saw me.

"Matt was telling me how you ran off earlier. I was trying to tell him that you probably just needed a moment for yourself to think and that there was nothing to worry about." She said in a hushed girl-talk voice, as she looked at me with an 'if you need to talk, I'm here look in her eyes 

"Thank you. I'm good now." I smiled at her. She smiled a sweet smile back at me and returned to Tyler. 

"We're leaving, guys. See you later." Caroline said and they both walked towards the main entrance. Tyler mumbled a goodbye as they left.

"I'll sweep Bonnie and Jeremy home. Elena are you staying or going home" He asked as he picked up his keys. 

"I'll join you guys in a second," Elena answered and walked over to Stefan, giving him a peck on the lips then left with Alaric, Bonnie, and Jeremy. 

Matt, Damon, Stefan, and I were the only ones remaining. Stefan quickly disappeared to god knows where and Damon stood there looking at me and Matt. 

"Damon, can you give us a minute," I said staring sternly at him. 

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